Introduction: Adobe Photoshop CS4 Image Toning for PC
Adobe Photoshop CS4 can be very intimidating for someone that has not had formal instruction. This tutorial is to teach the average person how to make simple adjustments to photos and improve the overall quality of their images. With the introduction of simple toning and image adjustments, it is hoped that users will be willing to venture into more uses of the program and improve their abilities to use the program.
Step 1: Opening Photoshop Program
Left-click the “start” icon at bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
Highlight “Programs.”
You see a new menu.
Highlight “Adobe Web Premium CS4.”
You see a new menu.
Highlight and left click “Adobe Photoshop CS4.” Wait a few moments for program to load.
Step 2: Uploading a Photograph
Left-click “File” in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
You see a new menu.
Highlight and left click “Open”.
You see a new window.
Locate the desired photograph on your computer.
Double-click the photograph.
You see the photograph on the Photoshop main screen.
See figure 2-1
Step 3: Editing a Photograph
Right-click and hold the eye dropper symbol, found on the left side of the screen, the sixth icon from the top.
You see a new menu.
See figure 3-1
Highlight and left-click the second option, “Color Sampler Tool”.
See figure 3-2
Move mouse to the “Layers” palette found in the middle of the right side of the screen.
Left-click the “Adjustment layer” icon, the half-shaded circle icon on the layers palette.
You see a new menu.
See figure 3-3
Right-click, “Threshold,” the third option from the bottom of the menu.
You see your photo turn black and white.
Right-click and hold white arrow located on the Threshold menu in the bottom right corner of the screen.
See figure 3-4
Move the white arrow completely to the left end.
Your photograph turns completely white.
Slowly move arrow right towards the center to determine the photo’s first black point. The first black point is the first significant appearance of a black area in your photograph.
See figure 3-5
Hold shift and left-click “Color Sample” tool (eyedropper) on first black point.
Return to the white arrow on the Threshold menu. Move arrow completely to the right end.
Your photograph turns completely black.
Slowly move arrow left towards the center to determine the photo’s first white point. The first white point is the first significant appearance of a white area in your photograph.
See figure 3-6
Hold shift and left-click “Color Sample” tool (eyedropper) on first white point.
With the first white point and first black points selected, return to the Threshold menu and select the trashcan icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
See figure 3-7
A box appears asking “Delete the layer ‘Threshold 1’?
Left-click “Yes” in the box.
Your picture returns to its original state, leaving the first white and black points selected.
Return to the “Layers” menu and right-click the “Adjustment layer” icon.
See figure 3-8
A new menu appears.
Left-click “Curves,” the sixth option from the top.
Move mouse to the “Adjustments” menu at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Selected the black eye dropper symbol, the second symbol and first eyedropper from the top.
See figure 3-9
With the black eyedropper selected, left-click color sample 1 (the first black point) on the picture.
Return to the Adjustments menu and select white eye dropper icon, the fourth symbol and third eyedropper from the top.
With the white eyedropper selected, left-click color sample 2 (the first white point) on the picture.
Return to the Adjustments menu and move mouse over a low point on line located on the plane of the menu.
See figure 3-10
Left-click and drag point to the right until photograph’s white balance is at desired level.
Move mouse to a point a higher point on the line.
Left-click and drag point to the left until photograph’s black balance is at desired level.
When picture achieves desired tone, left-click “Layer” on the top menu.
A new menu will appear.
On the drop-menu, right-click “Flatten image.”
Left-click “File” on the top menu.
A new menu appears.
Left-click “Save As.”
Save image with desire title in desired location.