Introduction: How to Fix Your Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 From Boot Issues and Hardware Failure

About: I'm awesome bummmmmmsssss

Before repairing or reinstalling Windows please note the situations where you need the ACRS boot disc first, they are:

-Data recovery from a failed hard drive: if your hard drive has failed and Windows no longer boots, you should attempt to use the ACRS boot disc to recover your personal data before attempting repair or install of the operating system.

ACRS data recovery process:

-Lost password: if you no longer remember your password you don't need to reinstall and instead can use the ACRS password reset process.

ACRS password reset:

-Failed hard drive: if you suspect the hard drive has failed, first use the ACRS boot disc to test the drive. If it has failed, it will need to be replaced before an installation can take place. Windows repair is not an option for a failed hard drive.

ACRS Hard drive testing:

If your having trouble loading the disc, it's likely due to incorrect bios boot order settings, here are quick instructions or see the attachment here:

When the computer first starts, the display should indicate the keys required to access the system setup (aka BIOS). The typical keys that manufacturers use are F1, F2, F10. Read the screen to determine what key you need to press, then press it to access the BIOS. Once inside, use the arrow keys to look for the “Boot Sequence” or “ Boot Order” section and make sure the CD/DVD drive is the FIRST boot device and the hard drive is SECOND. Then locate the exit and save the changes. After this, the computer should restart, ensure that the disc is inserted. If a disc is not in the drive at bootup, the computer will default back to booting to the hard drive. When the system detects the disc, it may prompt you to “press any key to boot from CD/DVD”. Make sure to press a key!

Step 1: Windows Vista: Repairing or Reinstall

Windows Vista Repair and Installation Disc

If you have confirmed with the ACRS boot disc that the hard drive does not contain errors, start by attempting the repair process. If this fails, the last resort option will be to reinstall the operating system.

Vista repair process:

Vista installation process:

Step 2: Windows 7: Repairing or Reinstall

Windows 7 Repair and Installation Disc

If you have confirmed with the ACRS boot disc that the hard drive does not contain errors, start by attempting the repair process. If this fails, the last resort option will be to reinstall the operating system.

Windows 7 repair process:

Windows 7 installation process:

Step 3: Windows 8: Repairing or Reinstall

Windows 8 Repair and Installation Disc

If you have confirmed with the ACRS boot disc that the hard drive does not contain errors, start by attempting the repair process. If this fails, the last resort option will be to reinstall the operating system.

Windows 8 repair process:

Windows 8 installation process:

Step 4: Windows 8.1: Repairing or Reinstall

Windows 8.1 Repair and Installation Disc

If you have confirmed with the ACRS boot disc that the hard drive does not contain errors, start by attempting the repair process. If this fails, the last resort option will be to reinstall the operating system.

Windows 8.1 repair process:

Windows 8.1 installation process:

Step 5: