Introduction: Aesthetic Atom Model

About: I have a youtube channel! Be sure to check it out! Mz Jazzynicole

If you are a teacher or you would like to have a model of an atom because you are learning it, then this is what you want!


Computer, 3D printer, tinkercad

Step 1: Make Your Protons and Neutrons

In the nucleus of the atom, there are protons and neutrons. They make some different aesthetic colors so some can be P+ and No.

Step 2: Make Your Electron Cloud

Make the electron cloud with circles that look like rubber bands. stretch them out and color them to match your theme.

Step 3: Put the Electrons and Lable

The electrons go on the electron cloud. after you have done that you are finished. You have made an aesthetic version of the atom model. Enjoy!

Tinkercad Student Design Contest

Participated in the
Tinkercad Student Design Contest