Introduction: Air Quality Monitor - Using a Mobile Phone Package Box
Hello Friends,
Here is another great use of package-boxes that are lying around which otherwise would sadly be thrown away.
This is an old Nokia Package-box reused to make an 'Air Quality Monitor'!! Actually you can make any electronic prototypes you like out of these boxes which are made of tough card boards or plastics.
Checkout how its done here.
Things needed...
1. Arduino Board
2. MQ-3 Sensor
3. Connector Cables
4. Nokia 5110 LCD panel
5. LED
6. Buzzer
Step 1: Assemble Arduino + MQ3 Sensor + Nokia 5110 LCD Panel
Assemble the Arduino, MQ3 Sensor and add the display unit using Nokia 5110 Panel.
You can learn from clear explanations of the connections from two awesome articles below
Nokia 5110 :
MQ-3 :
Step 2: Upload Sketch and Test
Use the sample sketch below and test the same to calibrate your readings.
#include // refer to : LCD5110 myGLCD(3,4,5,6,7); extern uint8_t SmallFont[]; char air_buffer[10]; /* MQ-3 Alcohol Sensor Circuit with Arduino */ const int AnalogOUT=0; const int DigiOUT=8; const int led=13; int maxL; int val; int airQ; // The setup routine runs once when you press reset void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(DigiOUT, INPUT); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); myGLCD.InitLCD(); myGLCD.update(); } // The loop routine runs over and over again forever void loop() { val= analogRead(AnalogOUT); maxL= digitalRead(DigiOUT); airQ=val; if (maxL== HIGH){ if(airQ > 130){ digitalWrite(led, HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(led, LOW); } } else{ digitalWrite(led, LOW); } myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.setFont(TinyFont); LCD_PrintData(airQ); myGLCD.setFont(SmallFont); myGLCD.update(); } void LCD_PrintData(int airRead) { myGLCD.print("- AIR QUALITY -" , 14, 28); myGLCD.print(dtostrf(airRead,0,2,air_buffer) , 30, 42); if (airRead<=30) { myGLCD.print("Fresh Air" , 10, 35); } else if (airRead>=31 && airRead<=140) { myGLCD.print("Bad air" , 10, 35); } }
Step 3: Layout & Placement of the Components
The package boxes come with small chambers and flaps that can be modified to abstract the circuitry (arduino, battery pack etc) and thus position just the output devices as in real finished products.
This box came with a sliding compartment, which holds 2 chambers which I used to divide the input, output components and the internal circuitry. I used the available circular hole on the top-flap to place the MQ-3 sensor and also positioned the LCD panel as shown in the pictures.
Step 4: Finished Prototype
Here is the finished prototype in action!!
Try this with different types of boxes and use your imagination and create unique models out of this unused treasure.
Have a great time.