Introduction: AirPlay Mirroring Without Apple TV (using RPi)

Ever wanted to mirror your iPhone, iPad, iPod or Mac to your TV, but you had no Apple TV?
Now you can without an Apple TV. With a Raspberry Pi and some free time you can transform your Pi into an AirPlay device that can mirror your iDevice to your TV using rPlay!

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What you need:
1. A Raspberry Pi
2. A Wifi dongle or Ethernet connection
3. A PC
4. USB keyboard and mouse
5. An MicroSD card (4 GB or larger)
6. TV or a HDMI screen
7. HDMI cable
8. MicroUSB charger

Step 1: Preparing Your Pi

First, you must prepare your Pi!

Download the Raspbian image here:

Extract the image from the archive and plug your microSD card into your pc. Format it using SD Card Formatter (You can download it here: )

Using Win32DiskImager (Download it here: ), select the location of your Raspbian Image , the SD card drive and than press 'Write'

After the program finishes writing the OS to the SD card, unplug your SD card. You won't need the PC anymore. :)

Step 2: Setting Up Your Pi

Now, it's time to set up your Pi!

Plug your microSD card, USB keyboard and mouse, Wifi dongle or Ethernet cable, HDMI cable into the Pi. After that plug the microUSB charger too. Wait for the Os to load and than you can login with pi as the username and raspberry as the password.When the configuration menu shows up, expand the filesystem and n Advanced Option select memory split and type 256 . After that, reboot the Pi. If you are using Wifi dongle, type startx to launch the desktop and than connect to your network.

After that, you must update your Pi to the newest version. Open a terminal and write:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo rpi-update

and wait for the Pi to update. After that, reboot your Pi.

Step 3: Installing the Software

You must install the needed software:

sudo apt-get install libao-dev avahi-utils libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libva-dev youtube-dl

wget -O rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb

sudo dpkg -i rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb

Now you have installed rPlay and it will run automatically on boot. Reboot your Pi.

Step 4: Activating RPlay

Before you use rPlay, you must enter the license key.

Launch the desktop and open the web browser.

Type http://localhost:7100/admin and hit enter.

The username is admin and password admin.

Scroll to the end of the page and enter the License key (License key: S1377T8072I7798N4133R)

Step 5: Connecting Your IDevice to RPlay

On your iDevice, go to Airplay and select rPlay(raspberry) . The mirroring should begin!

Android users can use the YouMap app in order to connect to rPlay.

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The End!