Introduction: AirTag Credit Card
Well, This is an entry in the Big to Small contest, and My version of it goes from 8mm to 4mm, Not that major difference, but in a world of nano particles and milliseconds, this is HUGH!
SO here's the problem, I love the new apple AirTags, they are great, but apple really made their new product accessory dependent, to be able to hang, or attach to an item, and you cannot just slip into a wallet, without its 8mm of bulge poking you in the bum..
Step 1: HOW I DID IT!
my conception, was to free the AirTag from its plastic prison, and streamline it into a credit card size holder,
I had to solve a bunch of interesting issues, like how will I be able to access the battery to replace it (in a year) with it encased in a credit card, and other fun issues... SO LETS BEGIN!
Step 2: Freeing the AirTag
There has been a lot of videos how to remove the Airtag from its case, this one is NOT mine, but this one is the best I have found, and how I was able to remove mine.
Step 3: Embedding the AirTag Into the Center Card
I had a bunch of these USB in a credit card's lying around the house, you can get them on eBay like $1.00
or you can just take any piece of plastic and shape it like a credit card. I don't have a CNC cutter or 3D printer, so I went old school with a dremel, I put the AirTag on the plastic and drew the outline in a sharpie, then cut the plastic so the board with fit inside it.
you need to lay out the holes (took me a few attempts) so everything fits.
Step 4: SCOTTY --- Gimme THAT POWER!
My original idea was to just slip the battery into the side of the card, and have two strips of copper as its (+) (-) but the battery kept falling out, and a piece of scotch tape over it was UGLY.
So I decided to get more elegant (and get myself in more trouble)
I remembered a remote control I owned had a button battery with a carrier tray,
and I decided THAT was the solution for my problem, I had to go to DigiKey to get,
BUT it will take a month to arrive, and eBay was worthless on getting one.
Step 5: Putting It All Together
Since I had no real way to bond the card together I made a "oreo" credit card sandwich , using Electric Safe Silicon to hold it all together
Step 6: The Finished Product!
And here is the finished product, It still tracks to about 25' away, no real loss of signal encased in leather, in a man bag