Introduction: Airsoft Riflemen Advanced/sub-classes
Its me again, and I am going to tell you about a couple of advanced and sub-classes of the riflemen.
P.S. If you don't like this 'ible please DO NOT comment, unless its friendly improvment
P.S.S. Yes I do play MW2
P.S. If you don't like this 'ible please DO NOT comment, unless its friendly improvment
P.S.S. Yes I do play MW2
Step 1: The Basics (Skip If You've Seen My Basic Class Guide)
If you havent seen my basic riflemen class guide dont worry here it is,
Rifleman, the most common role of airsoft and the work horse of standard airsoft. It isn't uncommon to find entire squads of them, well with one person acting as the leader.
Weapons Type: Electric, some spring Kind of gun: Assault Rifles, Rifles, Big SMG's ae: UMP 45, P90
Optional Weapons: Grenades, Under barrel grenade launcher, red dot sight, and other attachments, Pistol (Recomended)
Clothing I judge clothing in three levels: Beginner, Into It, and
Pro Beginner: Darker street clothing Into It: Camo, a equitment belt with ammo pouch or thin to hold 2-3 low or mid cap clips or 1-2 High cap clips, and a holster for your not required but recommended pistol Pro: Every thin that "into it" has but time six, like face paint and stuff like that, helms and stuff thats close to the real deal
Rifleman, the most common role of airsoft and the work horse of standard airsoft. It isn't uncommon to find entire squads of them, well with one person acting as the leader.
Weapons Type: Electric, some spring Kind of gun: Assault Rifles, Rifles, Big SMG's ae: UMP 45, P90
Optional Weapons: Grenades, Under barrel grenade launcher, red dot sight, and other attachments, Pistol (Recomended)
Clothing I judge clothing in three levels: Beginner, Into It, and
Pro Beginner: Darker street clothing Into It: Camo, a equitment belt with ammo pouch or thin to hold 2-3 low or mid cap clips or 1-2 High cap clips, and a holster for your not required but recommended pistol Pro: Every thin that "into it" has but time six, like face paint and stuff like that, helms and stuff thats close to the real deal
Step 2: Subclass: Grenadier
In the basics I left a lot of the equipment optional for this class like grenades, grenade launchers, and stuff like that.
Weapons: Assault Rifle, Some kind of grenade x2-3 or under barrel grenade launcher, or grenade launcher.
Clothing- See basic and something to hold your extra equipment
Weapons: Assault Rifle, Some kind of grenade x2-3 or under barrel grenade launcher, or grenade launcher.
Clothing- See basic and something to hold your extra equipment
Step 3: Advanced Riflemen
What separates this class from other riflemen is attachments, like scopes, heartbeat sensors, silencers/ supressors, and things like that. They are also geared toward toward 3 kinds of things:
Range- Accurate, and long range but not equal to that of a sniper usualy has scopes and possibly a tight-bore barrel.
Stealth- uses silencers or surpressors, it needs to be quiet. I havent seen many but on Redwolf airsoft I saw a heartbeat censor, that would be pretty macho.
Grenadier- As I previously stated. ( See step 2)
Range- Accurate, and long range but not equal to that of a sniper usualy has scopes and possibly a tight-bore barrel.
Stealth- uses silencers or surpressors, it needs to be quiet. I havent seen many but on Redwolf airsoft I saw a heartbeat censor, that would be pretty macho.
Grenadier- As I previously stated. ( See step 2)
Step 4: Ranged Riflemen/ Accuacy
Range- Accurate, and medium range but not equal to that of a sniper usualy has optics like red dot and possibly a tight-bore barrel. Semi and Burst firing modes are good for this class. (Yes I do understand that tight bore barrels only ups the FPS)
acknowledgements- Chopstx
acknowledgements- Chopstx
Step 5: Stealth Riflemen
Stealth- uses silencers or surpressors, it needs to be quiet. I havent seen many but on Redwolf airsoft I saw a heartbeat censor, that would be pretty macho. Any firing mode is ok as long as it is some what quiet, I am going to make an 'ible on how to surpress a spring pistol.
Step 6: Ok, Till Next 'Ible
If you have any Ideas I will sight you just speak up, thanks- Fedex202
P.S. Remember don't be a hater, if you have nothing nice to say don't say any thing.
P.S. Remember don't be a hater, if you have nothing nice to say don't say any thing.