Introduction: Alexa Integration With Your Home Devices

Do you want to control you home devices with your voice? Noting better if you make it yourself. We will use power of Amazon's Alexa echo and ESP8266 to achieve.

Thinks you need

The idea is that from Alexa device or app you will use voice command to issue commands over https to update online database. You may use any web browser as well to login and issue same commands over https. The command is an instruction to turn on/off lamp/fan. ESP8266 pings the online database and signals relay (magnetic switch) which in turn controls lamp/fan.

You need not create app to update online DB. I have done for that. You may download my app from Alexa store "Master bedroom" or sign up on to start using this. For help you may contact

Step 1: Programming of ESP8266 WeMos D1 Mini

1. Attached is the code that you can refer for ESP8266 WeMos D1 mini programming

2. Open ardunio and Go to File -> Preferences -> Settings and add the below url in "Additional board manager URL"

3. Go to tools -> board manager and down the board. Once done selct the right board from tool menu "WeMos D1 R2 & mini" as shown in screen shot

4. Upload the sketch "Wifi.ino" as attached. Make sure you change your wifi use name and password and you need to update the host.

5. Disconnect ESP8266 and connect D0 (#define fanPin D0) and D5 (#define lightPin D5) to fan and light respectively.

6. You need not create app to update online DB. I have done that for that. You may download my app from Alexa store "Master bedroom" or sign up on to start using this. For help you may contact
