Introduction: Upcycling Project

Tired of your jewelry getting tangled up? All girls know this struggle. With creativity, one can organize all their accessories in a unique way.

Step 1: Idea

This lamp had been sitting in my garage for quite some time so I decided to cut it up and make use of it.

Step 2: Materials

My materials are scissors, wall pins, my lamp, and piece of black tape that isn't pictured. These supplies can be found in any office store and the lamp was a gift given to me a while ago.

Step 3:

I used my scissors to cut the paper cover off the lamp.

Step 4:

I took the pieces apart from under since I would only use the upper half.

Step 5:

I wrapped tape around to give the wall pins something to attach the lamp piece to the wall

Step 6:

Once the lamp piece was stable enough I started to organize all my jewelry and hang on the rings.

Step 7:

As you can see, there are no tangles or confusion as to where any iteam is located. It was a very creative idea and very convenient.

Step 8:

reduce-make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.
reuse- to use again more than once.
recycle-convert (waste) into reusable material.
upcycle- reuse (discarded objects or materials) and turn it into new new product.
Recycling is taking product and breaking it down and making a product out of the broken down material while upcycling is using the product in it's current state and turning it into something new.