Introduction: All the Things You Need for a Survival Kit...

About: My name is Hiyadudez. I make stuff. "The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."
All the things you need for a survival kit...

Step 1: Altoids Tin

Most people use altoids tins to put their survival kit in, but i wouldnt recommend to use one, as it is not fully watertight, however, you can basically use any sort of tin, box or bag you want.

Step 2: Swiss Army Knife

In a survival kit, you need a swiss army knife also known as a pocket knife or multi-tool. You would use one of these in many situations.

Step 3: Bandages or Plasters

Bandages or plasters are the things you MUST have in a survival kit, for example, if you cut yourself you dont want to get ill by bacteria and germs getting into the cut, so you use a bandage to wrap around it or cover it.

Step 4: A Handkercheif

Give a general description of the StepYou can use a handkercheif in survival very easily, you could use it as a bandage or just to blow your nose into, well lets put it this way, YOU NEED A HANDKERCHEIF :)

Step 5: Compass

Obviously if your lost in say, the plain desert or the leafy rainforest, you need a compass to find your way out, a compass always points North, if you have a compass that doesnt point north, give it back to Captain Jack Sparrow Lol :)

Step 6: Fish Hooks and Line

You need fish hooks and line to catch fish if you have no food, and the bait is easy to get, all you need to do is find a worm, beetle or any other typle of small juicy creatures.

Step 7: Matches

Match start fires, so they are very handy to have in a survival situation, also to make them waterproof, dip the ends of the matches in melted wax, then when you want to light it just scrape the wax off with your finger nail.

Step 8: Thats It !!!

Basically you have got a full survival kit containing all the things you need when you are in a survival situation... Please rate and comment on this instructible, Thanks :)