Introduction: All for One and One for All

About: ¿Quién soy? Me considero, activo y emprendedor que a menudo me muestro un poco distante y reservado. De hecho, desconfiado e inquieto, no me gusta abrirme al primero que pasa. Pero, una vez que me siento seg…

Okay, to be honestly who loves cables? i have an small workshop in my house and i hate so much fall because of a cable or to find them like a mess so i´ve try to fix this problem and i am still looking for a better solution... so there is, if someone have an idea i would be glad to read something about.

Step 1: The Problem...

Too much cables.

Step 2: Cut the Problem.

Like an old genius from Japan said, if you have a problem cut it don't stop because of.

Step 3: Replace It !!

If a thing wins against you, is because you are dead

Step 4: Terminé. Tous Pour Un Et Un Pour Tous.

At last, there is no problem, and now you are ready to give me a like :)

be careful about amper always and for your safety first look the specifications of the product and search for the correct connector.

im looking for an option like a guitar connector type plug or something so there is a possible upgrade.

Bless and i hope this be useful

this is my first instructable and i'm so happy :3