Introduction: Altoids Survival Kit

About: I make and sell paracord products and I make parachutes and military and army things
This is a small and compact survival kit that you can take any where

Step 1: Putting It Together

First of all of course you need a regular size altoids or sucrets container to put your survival items in

Step 2: The Survival Items

You would need a crayon, a lighter, a 7 in x 7 in piece of foil folded to fit in the container, a piece of gum, two rubber bands, matches with a piece of the striker on the box, paracord, two regular band aids, one small circle band aid, two small stitch looking band aids, two qtips, a cotton ball, a small piece of paper, a fish hook, a led with a coin cell battery, and a safety pin. ( optional a small utility knife blade)

Step 3: How to Organize the Items

First you have to put the band aids on the bottom with the foil on top of it then on top the lighter with the rubber bands rapped around it towards the top with the crayon next to it in the middle the led fish hook and safety pin behind the lighter the paracord needs to be made into a cobra stitch key fob that fits in the container it needs to be more towards you next to the crayon then on top the q tips the gum