Introduction: Altoids Case Made From Old IPod Shuffle

About: I am a dedicated signage professional with over 25 years of experience and expertise earned working in literally every aspect of the sign industry, from design and production to installation, department managi…
As a graphic artist, I like to store extra x-acto blades in a steel container for safety. Altoids containers are the best....but then what do you do with the Altoids?

Step 1: What You'll Need:

X-acto knife
dead shuffle
glue (not pictured)

Step 2: Opening the Shuffle Case

Very carefully dig away the glue around the inside lip of the end plug.

for more details go here:

Step 3: Glue Batter Indicator Switch

If you remove the insides of the ipod, the battery life indicator switch button will fall out unless you glue it in place. I had to glue mine in after removing the all the guts, but maybe doing it first would be easier.

Step 4: Pop the Socket Out of the USB Cap

Pry the USB socket out of the end cap with an x-acto knife.

Step 5: Modifying the Cap

The next two steps are to make the cap resealable like a wine cork.
First cut two pieces from the rim of a styrofoam coffee cup. You want them to be the same length as the inside of the cap, and about 1/4" taller than the depth of the inside of the cap.

Step 6: Modifying the Cap_02

Glue the two pieces into the cap. I arranged mine so that the concave sides faced outward, to add some springiness the the seal. Be sure to use a water based glue, so you don't desolve the styrofoam.

Step 7: Fill With Altoids

If the glue is dry on the battery indicator switch button, you can fill your new holder with couriously strong breath mints.

Step 8: Replce the Cap

If the glue is dry on the cqp, you can now replce it.

Step 9: Finished

Now you're ready to go the mall and share the gift of fresh breath with all you friends, and show off your new stylish Altoids case.

here is the opposite of what I just did:

see also:
The Instructables Book Contest

Participated in the
The Instructables Book Contest