Introduction: Aluminium Foil Cobra

About: I like creating stuff in my spare time

This is an origami cobra made from kitchen foil

Step 1: Cutting Out the Foil Base

Use a ruler to cut a 5cm by 20cm base from the large sheet of aluminum foil. You can use scissors but a ruler is easier and more precise.

Step 2: Creating the Head

Begin by Folding the Base in Half to Make a Crease Down the Middle

Step 3:

Fold the Halves of Each Side Inwards As Shown

Step 4:

Fold the top right and left corners of each side inwards then outwards to create two creases on both sides

Step 5: The Tricky Bit

Open up one side of the base and push the top right corner towards the crease line in the center then close. Do the same to the other side too.

Step 6:

After step 5 you should have a square formed at the top which you will fold on the right side then the left side to make an X crease in the center.

Step 7:

The X crease will help in folding the square downwards to create two triangle edges on each side. Take one of these edges and push it inwards as shown in the second picture. Do the same to the other side to get something like picture three.

Step 8: Another Tricky Bit

Bring one side of the square and fold the top corner to the left corner then fold the top corner to the right corner. This makes it easier to pull each side in as shown in picture three. Do the same on both sides.

Step 9:

You should now have something that looks like a kite in the middle. This is gonna be the snake's mouth when you flip it upwards (you can bend the tip of the mouth for more detail).

Step 10: Completing the Cobra's Head

The picture above is roughly what the finished head should look like.

Step 11: Making the Body

Fold each side of the rest of the body inwards and then fold again to look like picture three.

Step 12: End of Body

You can fold the end of the snake in any way you like but In the picture above I opened the tale up and spread it out while also folding two little triangles on the top corners.

Step 13: Finished !!

You can now enjoy your foil creation!

Tinfoil Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Tinfoil Speed Challenge