Introduction: Aluminium Heart/ for the Love of Beer/ Beating Heart

About: My name is Sabina Stan. I am a visual artist based in Romania. I work with rope, paper and recycled aluminium cans and I can do just about anything (figurative or abstract) in the technique I use, which is an …

My new art project is about human hearts and I have to make quite a few of them. Usually, they are made of rope, as this is the material I favour, but making stuff out of beer cans is a passion of mine that I explore from time to time.

I want to share it with you, simply because I find it fun and the end result turned out quite interesting: a beating heart. :D

If you want to make your own paper mache mold, there is a class on Instructables:

I can also make a tutorial specifically for the heart, if you want. :)


tin cans


a paper-mache* mold

*solid object you can place the tin foils around to make them stay in the desired shape

Step 1:

  • Cut the bottom and top of the can
  • Cut the can vertically to achieve a foil
  • Cut the foil into strips

Step 2:

To connect the strips one with the other, you have to:

  • bend the ends of two strips
  • place the strips so that the bent ends interconnect (the bent part of one strip is over the other)
  • bend one strips so that it covers the bent end of the other strip

The aluminium can break quite easily.

Be patient.

Try not to have to undo the connection once made.

Step 3:

  • Connect strips together as shown above and place them on the shape you want to make to create a vertical grid
  • Place strips horizontally
  • Make sure it goes above and under the vertical strips alternatively, like for a weaving
  • Add more vertical strips if you feel it is necessary
  • They have to be enough to hold into shape

Step 4:

Be careful when you make a part, that you are able to remove it from the mold.

One part of the heart with horns on both sides is such a part.

Do one end and then the other and connect them afterwards.

I left the middle part between the horns with just two horizontal strips because i can connect it with the vertical ones from the body of the heart.

Step 5:

If the shape is complex enough, you might need to make it from several parts.

In this case, the body of the heart and the horns have to be done separately.

Make sure you leave free ends to be able to connect the parts together.

Step 6:

Once you've done all the parts, connect them together.

Add more strips to consolidate the connections if necessary.

Step 7: Final Result

As you can see, it is quite resistant.

No sewing needed.

And it beats. :D