Introduction: An Easy Newton's Cradle
This is an easy Newton's Cradle. I made it because I thought it would be interesting to make one. It recuires only a circle tube of wood, 4 sections 5 in long, and 2 sections 7 1/2 in long sections. Also you need 2 cardboard sections 4 1/2 in by 10 in, sevral marbles same size, and lots of string. Also you need a small saw, hot glue, and hot glue gun. I hope you like it!
Step 1: Cut Out the Frame.
Cut 4 sections of wood 5 in long. Also cut 2 sections 7 1/2 in long.
Step 2: the Base.
Cut out two sections of cardboard 4 and 1 half in by 8 in and tape them together one on top of the other with duct tape. Drill holes in the ends where the frame will fit in.
Step 3: Hot Glue the Frame Together
Hot glue the frame together like this hot glue a short piece to each end of the long pieces, and drill holes in the ends of the cardboard, and hot glue the short wood ends into the holes.
Step 4:
Cut 7 8 in pieces of string and label the 4 in mark.
Step 5: Glue the Marbles
Glue a large marble at the 4 in mark, on each of the strings.
Step 6: Glue the Strings in Place.
Glue those each end of the string to that side of the frame the marble 3 in down and in the center.