Introduction: Android Tutorial: Connect, Configure App on Real Android Device and Run Hello World Program With Android Studio

About: My name is Navneet Goel passed out of NSIT,Delhi. I am blogger at and love to do programming in my free time. Visit my site for learning Android st…

In this post we will learn how to connect and configure Android Device (Smartphone etc.) with Android Studio. After that we will run a simple Hello World Program. Just follow following steps:

Step 1: Enable Developer Option in Android

First we need to enable developer option on Android device.

1) Go to settings of the Android Device and then System Settings as shown in image-1 above.

2) Click on About Phone (In some devices it is About Device). Following screen will be opened image-2 above.

3) For Android version higher than 4.4, developer option is hidden. In the above window there will be a Build number.

You need to hit this build number 7 times. It is common for all android devices. Now go back to settings again. You will see developer options as shown image-3 above (bottom right)

Step 2: Connect Android Device

Select developer options and then select USB debugging option. Connect your Android device with Android Studio through micro USB wire. Select photo transfer (PTP) option as show in image above:

Now open Device Monitor in Android Studio and you will be able to see device connected.
So we have successfully connected and configured android device. Now let’s run a Hello World App on our configured device.

Step 3: Creating Hello World Project

Please follow following steps:

1) Open Android Studio and make a new project with name “Android Device” and company domain (I used my company domain i.e Similarly you can use yours).

2) Click Next and choose android version Lollipop. Again Click Next and Choose Blank Activity.

3) Leave all things remaining same and Click Finish.

Now you can see, content_main.xml and strings.xml. If you are not able to see them then click on the left window where these files can easily be located as shown in above first figure:

Run the code (Shift+F10) . Above second image will pop up:

Select the device and click Ok. Boom!! Our App is working and running fine. Hello World will be shown on Android Device.
Let me know if you have any queries. I would love to help you.
