Introduction: Animatronic Robot - Five Nights at Freddys

About: Check my youtube channel for more cool stuff.

This tutorial will give you the different phases in building this project

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1. Arduino

2. styrofoam ( you can use foam board or craft foam)

3. Printout of Freddy

4. Glue

5. hot glue

6.popsicle sticks/ Craft sticks

7. 4 Servos

8. 2 pingpong balls white

9. Wooden platform

10. breadboard

11. wires

Step 2: Paste

Glue the print onto the styrofoam. I suggest using foam board or craft foam much better :)

Step 3: Create Frame

Create the frame of the face by creating a T-Shaped figure out of popsicle sticks and craft sticks. Make sure it is strong. Enforce it by adding more sticks onto it

Step 4: Cut

Cut out the face with cutters and smoothen the edges using the tip of the hot glue gun

Step 5: Add Frame to the Platform

Glue the frame to the platform. Add necessary supports to prevent the frame from shaking too much

Step 6: Add Servo

Glue together ping pong balls and servo. Then, behind the face, add the servo right where the eye hole is located.

Step 7: Add Eyebrow Servo

Glue a stick and the servo together just like the picture. Place it right beside the eye. Make sure it is positioned right beside and add popsicle sticks and some illustration board to make the eyebrows. It will go from a 180 degree angle(open) to 90 degree angle(close).

Step 8: Add Servo to Mouth Cutout

Add servo to the mouth cut out and glue it together. Then glue the servo to the bottom frame. Make sure the mouth goes a 160 degree from a 90 degree angle.

Step 9: Connect and Upload Code

  1. Check picture for connections made
  2. Upload the code using ARDUINO IDE



Servo Brow; Servo Left; Servo Right; Servo Mouth; int servoPin = 2; int servoPin2 = 3; int servoPin3 = 4; int servoPin4 = 5;

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Brow.attach(servoPin); Left.attach(servoPin2); Right.attach(servoPin3); Mouth.attach(servoPin4);

} void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: Brow.write(150); Left.write(160); Right.write(160); Mouth.write(170); delay(2000); Brow.write(90); Left.write(40); Right.write(40); Mouth.write(90); delay(2000);

Brow.write(150); Left.write(160); Right.write(160); delay(1000);

Left.write(40); Right.write(40); delay(1000);

Left.write(160); Right.write(160); delay(200); Brow.write(90); delay(200); Brow.write(150); delay(400); Mouth.write(170); delay(200); Mouth.write(90); delay(200); Mouth.write(170); delay(200); Mouth.write(90); delay(200); Mouth.write(170); delay(200); Mouth.write(90); delay(200); Mouth.write(170); delay(200); Mouth.write(90); delay(2000);


Step 10: ENJOY :)

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