Applied Science and Engineering Fall 2013By athenianstoryteller in CircuitsArduino2,11431 Honors projects from the Applied Science and Engineering class at The Athenian School in Danville, CA. Honors projects from the Applied Science and Engineering class at The Athenian School in Danville, CA. Baby Night Lightby arianafrankel in ArduinoArduino Dubstep Piano Keyboardby 14ajball in ArduinoTemperature Sensor With LEDby kristinlew in ArduinoJacket With Arduino Light Sensorby 14apatton in ArduinoLight-Controlled Boxby jenii337 in AudioArduino LED Water Jumping With Musicby 123456kudo in ArduinoSmart Heart Monitorby shaw41 in ArduinoNerf Sentry Gunby sixhitter21 in ArduinoStudy Managerby marymountparis in ArduinoThe Blister-Free Prostheticby gracereckers in ArduinoHow to Do Arduino-Controlled Intelligent Time-Lapse Photographyby hlesliebole in ArduinoArduino Controlled Party Lightsby AlbertJUdom in Arduino