Introduction: Apply CA Finish to a Pen and Wet Sand to Mirror Shine

About: I'm a ham, a tinker, a maker. I like interesting things. I'm a technophile, a wood turner, and a pen maker.


  1. Wooden (or other material) pen blank(s), turned to shape and sanded to 600 grit
  2. Safety Equipment (respirator, face shield)
  3. Paper towel, NOT CLOTH!
  4. Thin CA (cyanoacrylate) glue (Yes, super glue)
  5. CA accelerator
  6. Full set of micro-mesh sanding pads
  7. Water
  8. Laundry detergent
  9. Plastic polish (I used HUT Ultra Gloss Plastic Polish)


Once you have your pen turned to the shape you want, sand it smooth through all the typical grits, right up to 600. Leave it on the mandrel.

Next up, apply a generous coat of CA glue finish and wet sand it to a mirror shine. Watch the embedded video for the process, and enjoy!

P.S. Don't skimp on the safety equipment. CA is nasty stuff. You don't want to be breathing the fumes!

P.P.S. NEVER wipe a piece on the lathe with a cloth towel while the lathe is spinning. Paper towel will tear away if it catches. Cloth will wrap around the work and can injure you if it catches. SAFETY FIRST!