Introduction: Applying Augmented Reality in Mobile Devices As the Future Airport Guidance (TfCD)
To fully present the map detail and understandable instructive animation.
the following software and device are required in this instructable.
-an apple / android mobile device.
-Augment account
-a printed track
This instructable is the assignment of TfCD course of TU Delft
Step 1: Start
Using the Augment app as the mobile device end software.
register an account on the website. It is able to upload both tracking card 2d graphy and 3d file on its cloud server. can be downloaded and register here:
Step 2: Building Model
Building a Schiphol terminal model in Solidwork.
make sure the form is not too complex. Augment has a 1,000,000-triangle-polygon limit.
The count of polygon can be determined by the curvature complexity and STL format exporting quality.
Export final model as a STL file without color and texture.
Step 3: Assign Texture / Animation in C4d
In C4d, need to install Augment plugin; file can be uploaded and published to Augment manager directly in C4d.
Assign matrial, color, texture and creating animation in C4d.
Export final file to Collada (.dae) format, which is able to show all feature in the model.
The general 3d model limitation and guideline:
plugin can be downloaded here:
Step 4: Upload Your 3d Model
Compress the 3d model file .dae and texture file (could be .png/ .jpg/ .gif) into a .zip file.
to make sure the texture can be presented.
upload this .zip file to your Augment account.
you can also upload your 3d file in c4d in with-Augment-plugin environment through Augment manager.
Step 5: Try Out
Print the tracker graph on paper or card board. make sure the contrast between pattern and background.
that would be easier for system to recognize it as the tracker.
After all the building it's time to try out the prototype and play around with it!
The model in Augment can be rotated / scaled / moved. The scenario is similar to the application in airport,
users can play with map model to fully understand the direction and environment.