Introduction: Aquasprouts: Hydroponics Made Easy


In this project we will be making a simple Hydroponic system to grow some small plants connected to platform. Its based on board (ESP32) or any equivalent board. It controls temperature, humidity, light, UV, moisture and level of water.

Step 1: List of Materials

The housing


  • 1x ESP32 board
  • 1x DHT sensor
  • 2x Moisture sensor
  • 1x Photodiode sensor
  • 1x UV sensor
  • 1x Lux sensor
  • 1x Level sensor
  • 3x 104 Capacitors
  • 2x 10K ohms Resistor

Step 2: Code

The code is attached. Just remember to create your login in and change all the variables related to your board.

Step 3: Schematics

This image shows our schematics according to the code we've done.