Introduction: Arc Reactor 2.0 (3d Printed)

In this instructables, I will be showing you how to make an arc reactor.
**The arc reactor I created was my own unique build.**
The materials you will need for this instructables are as follows:
-18 3d printed parts (7 different parts with multiples)
-3 RGB LED's
-Multiple wires wires
-An Arduino Uno
-A 9 volt battery
-3d design software
-Access to a 3d printer
-Soldering Iron
-Super glue
-Hot glue
-Multiple lengths of wire of your choice

Step 1: 3d Software

For the designing of the parts, I used the 3d designing software, Autodesk Inventor. The link for it is here:

I looked at multiple reference photos and designed my parts to the scale that I wanted them to be at.
I then slowly built each part, making sure they were able to interlock. This took a while, but it was worth it. After the 3d designing, I sent them to the 3d printer, where they were printed. Most parts where printed with little infill, to keep it light, portable, and able to be printed quickly.

Step 2: Base, Clear Base, Clear Base Clips

After the parts successfully printed, I attached the black clips to the clear base. There were 10 total black clips which fit beautifully in the clear base.
I then fit the 3 RGB LED's equally around the base, making sure to trim the black clips if needed.
After the RGB's were fit, I drilled 2 small holes under the each clip so silver wire could be bent and then wrapped around the clips and then bent again to form a snug fit.
The wrapping took a while, but I managed to wrapped 7 coils around each clip.
After the wrapping of the wire, The clear base fit beautifully into the black base, without any glue to hold it in.

Step 3: The Innards

The innards are composed of 4 main parts (6 if you count duplicates). I designed the 3 "step" pieces to connect the black ring, which I did with super glue, making sure to evenly space the pieces exactly 33° from each other. The "step" pieces then attached to the ring with multiple holes in it.
I then super glued the ring parts to the part with multiple holes on it, to form a half inch thick ring.
I then pushed the pieces into the base, where they fit tight.

Step 4: Wiring

I attached 4 wires to each RGB LED.
-Red to red led
-Green to green led
-Blue to blue led
-White to power
After Soldering all of them together, the wires were fed through the hole that I left at the bottom of the base. The wires were then sectioned off into each LED, with ties to differentiate them.
Then, I placed each of the red, green, blue, and power wires into the bread board wear they then connected to the Arduino Uno.

The code that I used for the Arduino can be found here:

Step 5: Wiring Pt. 2

After I realised I didn't need to use the bread board, I soldered:
-All the Red wires together
-All the Green wires together
-All the Blue wires together
-And all the Power wires together.
I then attached a wire to the 3 wires from the 3 LED'S. Basically 3 red wires were soldered to one red wire to reduce the wires being routed, and I did this for the other 2 colors and power. The wire was then fed into certain pins in the Arduino. The power wire however, was fed into the 3.3v pin in the Arduino. I then upload a code which fades each colour of the rainbow.
The Arc reactor starts with blue, but fades to Teal > Green > Yellow > Orange > Red > Pink > Purple and back to Blue.
I then connect the 9v battery to the Arduino, and in a matter of seconds, it lights up!

Step 6: Finishing

Thank you for reading this instructable, and I hope you enjoy. I have uploaded the parts onto Thingiverse where you can freely download them. I hope you enjoy them and like my work.