Introduction: Arduino BLE Temperature/Humidity Logger With DHT11 and IOS Display
In this project we will build a simple temperature/humidity data logger based on BlueDuino R2 and display on iOS. It's easy to build and keep small size.
Step 1: Materials
The BlueDuino Rev2 is an Arduino compatible microcontroller development board based on the ATmega32U4 IC with BLE module CC2540 built in.
- 1 x BlueDuino Rev2
- 1 x DHT-11 sensor, bought from eBay or Taobao
- 1 x LED power casing XS-621 56mm x 31mm x 20mm, bought from Taobao
- 1 x lithium battery, bought from eBay or Taobao
- A Soldering iron
- Some male pins
Step 2: Wires Together
Pinouts for DHT-11
- Pin 1 VDD Power supply 3 - 5.5 V DC
- Pin 2 DATA Serial data output
- Pin 3 NC Not connected
- Pin4 GND Ground
- DHT11 BlueDuino
- Pin 1 -> Vcc
- Pin 2 -> 21
- Pin 4 -> Gnd
I also soldering a male pins for plug the battery.
Wire battery red pin -> BlueDuino pin raw, battery black pin -> BlueDuino pin GND.
Note: Please check the battery wires.
Step 3: Arduino Setup and Sketch
The BlueDuino built-in a BLE module. The module can advertising as a iBeacon device. The below sketch will do these things.
- Make the BLE module work as peripheral mode and keep advertising.
- Set the proximity UUID to 06742A694C2C4359BBFE122D05B6DCBF in normal mode, set the major as the sensor id. We can monitor multiple sensor in same times without BLE connection.
- Set the proximity UUID to E2C56DB5DFFB48D2B060D0F5A71096E1 when advertising temperature/humidity sensor data.
The Arduino setup:
- Plug the BlueDuino R2 to PC
- Open Arduino IDE, choose the board LilyPad USB and right port
- Install the AB_BLE library to Arduino
- Upload the dht11Logger sketch
Step 4: The IPhone App Example Code
We have add an example code BLETemperatureLogger-iOS to get the sensor datas. It can read multiple sensor in same time.
You should compile it with Xcode and install to you iPhone.
Step 5: Put All in the Casing
Put all components in the casing.