Introduction: Arduino Compatible Board
Do you dominate the Arduino technology? If you do not dominate it is probably because it is dominating you.
Knowing Arduino is the first step for you to create various types of technologies, so the first step is for you to master the full operation of an Arduino board.
In this Instructables you will learn step by step to master the complete circuitry of an Arduino compatible board.
Therefore, our aim is to teach how you can produce your own Arduino Compatible Board with the same size and dimensions of Arduino UNO through the project with JLCPCB Arduino Compatible Board of $2.
Hereafter, we'll offer all bill of materials and explain how works the circuit and construct our Arduino PCB Compatible Board using the EasyEDA Software.
- 01 x Crystal 16 MHz
- 02 x 22pF Ceramic Capacitor
- 01 x ATMEGA328P
- 02 x Eletrolytic Capacitor 0.1 uF
- 02 x Eletrolytic Capacitor 0.33 uF
- 01 x Jack Connector 2.1 mm
- 01 x Ceramic Capacitor 100nF
- 04 x Resistor 1kR
- 01 x Resistor 10kR
- 04 x LED 3 mm
- 01 x Pin Header 2x3 - 2.54 mm
- 01 x Diode 1N4001
- 01 x ASM1117 3.3V
- 01 x ASM1117 5V
- 01 x Pin Header 1x5 - 2.54 mm
- 01 x Switch Button 6x6x5 mm
Step 1: Dominating the Arduino UNO Electronic Schematic
The first step for dominating Arduino technology is to know the Arduino Electronic Schematic. From this electronic circuit, we'll learn how the Arduino board works and how to construct our own Arduino Compatible Board, too.
Hereafter, we'll present the full project of the Arduino Compatible Board.
In the Arduino Electronic Circuit, there are several important circuits, that is presented below:
- Power Supply;
- Reset Circuit;
- Programming Circuit;
- Oscillator Circuit;
- Circuit of the ATMEGA328P Microcontroller;
- LED-Powered Circuit Signaler;
- Connector for the Atmega328P Pins.
Based on the circuits, we'll construct the Arduino Compatible Board.
Step 2: Electronic Schematic of the Arduino Compatible Board
The Electronic Circuit of the Arduino Compatible Board is presented bellow. This circuit have the following parts:
- Power Supply;
- Reset Circuit;
- Programming Circuit;
- Oscillator Circuit;
- Circuit of the ATMEGA328P Microcontroller;
- LED-Powered Circuit Signaler;
- Connector for the Atmega328P Pins.
Hereafter, we'll present how works each part of this circuit.
Step 3: Circuit of Power Supply
The Power Circuit is used to power the entire Arduino compatible circuit board. This circuit offers 3 different voltages: Input Voltage, 5V, and 3.3V at the connector pins of the Arduino compatible card.
This circuit can be powered with a voltage of 7V to 12V, however, we recommend to supply a maximum of 9V.
After powering the circuit with a 2.1 mm jack connector, the input voltage goes through 2 voltage regulator circuits.
The voltage is regulated by an AMS1117 5V IC and AMS1117 3.3V IC. The AMS1117 5V IC is used to provide a regulated voltage of 5V to power the ATMEGA328P Microcontroller. While AMS1117 CHIP is used to provide a 3.3V voltage on the board connector, it will power some modules and sensors that use this voltage value to work.
Step 4: Reset and Oscillator Circuit
The reset circuit consists of a button and a resistor that is connected to pin 1 of the ATMEGA328P Microcontroller. When the button is pressed, the reset pin receives the 0V voltage power. This way, the Microcontroller is manually reset by the button.
Now, the oscillator circuit consists of a crystal and two ceramic capacitors as is shown in electronic schematic presented.
Step 5: ATMEGA328P Electronic Schematic
The ATMEGA328P circuit is shown in the figure above. For the ATMEGA32P Microcontroller to work, three things are required:
- Reset circuit
- 16MHz Crystal Oscillator Circuit;
- 5V Power Circuit.
The Reset Circuit and Oscillator have been presented previously.
Finally, the 5V supply is obtained from the voltage output of the AMS1117 5V voltage regulator. He is responsible for regulating the voltage and energizing the ATMEGA328P Microcontroller.
Now we will present the ATMEGA328P CHIP programming circuit and the on-circuit signaling LED.
Step 6: ATMEGA328P CHIP Programming Circuit and the In-Circuit Signaling LED
In this Arduino Compatible Board don't have a USB port. In this way, we'll use the USB-TTL Converter module.
The module used to program the ATMEGA328P is the FT232RL. This module is used because it has the DTR pin. Through this module, we'll connect it in a header male pin and program the ATMEGA328P through 5 pins.
The pins used to program are VCC(+5V), GND, RX, TX, and DTR.
In addition to this circuit, there is a In-Circuit Signaling LED. This LED is used to signalize when your arduino compatible board is powered on.
When the circuit board is energized, the voltage of the AMS1117 5V voltage regulator reaches this LED and it is energized.
Finally, we have the Arduino compatible board connectors.
Step 7: Connector and Arduino UNO Shape
To create a good user experience with the Arduino compatible board, we used a shape similar to the Arduino UNO board.
As is possible see, all pins of the Microcontroller are connected in an Arduino UNO Shape. In this way, our printed circuit board will be the shape of Arduino UNO as noted above.
Through the shape, the user will have a good experience similar to Arduino UNO.
Therefore, with this electronic schematic, we created the project of the printed circuit board.
Step 8: Printed Circuit Board Project
To create the Arduino Compatible Board this project was developed through the EasyEDA PCB Project Enviroment.
In this way, all components are organized and posteriorly, the traces are created. Therefore, the PCB presented above was created with a shape similar to Arduino UNO as is cited anteriorly.
In the Figures above the circuit board is presented in its 2D and 3D schematic model.
Finally, after the circuit board was made, the Gerber files were generated and shipped for manufacturing at the JLCPCB Electronic Circuit Board company.
Step 9: Arduino Compatible Printed Circuit Board
Above are presented the result of the Arduino Compatible Printed Circuit Board. As is possible to see, the printed circuit board has good quality and the prototype works without problems.
After evaluating all circuit of printed circuit board, we assembly the printed circuit board components in the PCB.
Step 10: Assemby Printed Circuit Board
The Arduino Compatible Board is very easy to assemble the components. As is possible see in its structure, it has 29 components to solder in your structure. In this way, only 27 components are assembled through Pin Through Hole. Therefore, 93.1% of the components used in this board can be solder for anyone user.
The other 2 SMD components are very easy to solder in the PCB surface.
In this way, is possible to use this PCB to teach students about how to construct your own Arduino Compatible Board and produce other activities.
Finally, we'll construct our box through laser cut to enclosure our Arduino Compatible Board.
Step 11: Enclosure Box for Arduino Compatible Board
The laser-cut box is designed to store the Arduino circuit and protect it. This box can be made of Medium Density Fiberboard or Acrylic material and must be constructed of one material.
For producing the enclosure box we use the online software Maker Case. Therefore, through this software is possible to insert the parameters like width, height, and depth.
Finally, we have our printed circuit board in the enclosure.
Step 12: Download Files of the Arduino Compatible Board
Case you need download the PCB files for producing your PCB, you can download the files in the following link:
Step 13: Acknowledgments
Thanks JLCPCB to offer the PCB Arduino Compatible Board Open Source Project to produce this article.