Introduction: Arduino - Control Robot Arm Via Web

This project shows how to control a 6DOF robot arm via web.

If you are a beginner, you can get started with Arduino here

Step 1: Demonstration

The video shows how it works

Step 2: Things Used in This Project

Step 3: User Interface

The robot arm has 6 motors.

  • Zone A: Control motor 2, 3, 4 (control three hand joints)
  • Zone B: Control motor 1 (control base)
  • Zone C: Control motor 5 (control rotation of gripper)
  • Zone D: Control motor 6 (control gripper)

Step 4: System Architecture

Step 5: Working Flow & Geometric Calculation & Source Code & Schematic

You can find Working Flow & Geometric Calculation & Source Code & Schematic in this link

Step 6: Function References