Introduction: Arduino Controlled Bluetooth

About: Me it's me not others, me don't like others, me different

We using App Invertor for build apk. this apk can control your microcontroller / arduino, using bluetooth and your phone. in this tutorial just sharing how to build apk. next how to programing arduino and make robot.

Step 1: Frist Step

Open new Project in APP Inventor

Step 2: List Picker

Step two, Build list picker for choose to connect bluetooth, just drop and drag from user interface like pic. 2.1

Step 3: Add Label.

Add label for status connected or not

Step 4: Add Table Arrangment

this tabel used for botton

Step 5: Button

Add button for forward, bacward, left, right and Stop.

Step 6: Add Label

add label Text for the current active button

Step 7: Insert Picture

in this step i insert logo UMB.

Step 8: Insert Bluetooth Client & Clock

Bluetooth client used for acces bluetooth in handphone.

Step 9: Programing

in this step we will program how to show bluetooth exsisting and conneted.

Step 10: Status Connected

in this step we used timer for status bluetooth connection

Step 11: Forward

we send "Forward" for command forward

Step 12: Completed Your Code

the last step completed your code like as picture

Step 13: The Finally

and you can save your app program in your computer or your HP using internet.