Introduction: Arduino Fire Fighting Robot With Auto Extinguisher

About: Just want to explore the vastness of science and make useful stuffs!!

Hello Friends, In this Project i will show you one of the useful creations and i call it as Fire fighting robot with auto extinguisher that uses water.

I would like to say with this project lot of valuables can be saved, lets say for example you have a small workshop and in some case due to uncertain reason fire might start.

If you have this robot setup it can easily extinguish the fire away, Note that the size is not the limitation here, This is a working project and the scaling of the same model can be done with much larger components.

To begin with let me quickly give you a overview of how this project works, This uses flame sensor that can detect the fire and when this happens the servo that carries the hose starts to move 180 degrees.

The Relay will be triggered in this action and it sprays the water, This flame sensor keeps the servo and pump triggered until no fire is detected by the sensor and once it stops detecting, the circuit will be i standby mode.

And if again it detects anything same will be repeated, this ensures there is no more visible fire in that area.

How cool is this project! Yeah i know you are also thinking to build this, Well don't worry in this instructable i have given you all the details to build this project, Whether it may be building instructions, Circuit diagram or codes i have got your back!

Without further delay lets hop into building this useful project and as always there is a working video given at the last steps considering watching.


Arduino Uno Kit for Starters

Submersible Water Pump for this project

Flame Sensor used here

Micro Servo

Small Breadboard

Pump Hose small

Jumper Cables

Toggle Switch

Arduino IDE

Programming Cable

Sheet of Cardboard

Hot Glue

18650 Battery and Holder

Empty Plastic Bottle


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Step 1: Circuit and Code

The circuit here is simple and we are using 2 different set of circuit in this project.

First is the main circuit that controls the mechanism and the other is the water discharge mechanism, Both are combined in achieving the output in this project.

Let me explain you the first circuit

Servo 1 and servo 2 serves different purpose, the first servo sweeps and the seconds activates the toggle switch.

Servo comes with 3 pins they are Vcc, Gnd and signal

The Vcc and Gnd pins are connected to the pins 5v and gnd respectively whereas the signal pins to D10 and D9 pin on the Uno board.

Flame sensor has 3 pins too, Out, Vcc and Gnd

Output is connected to D2 whereas the Vcc to 3v pin on uno and Gnd to the Gnd Pin

Now the second circuit is very easy, its just the submersible pump and battery connected via switch,

Use proper insulation(i use hot glue to seal the joints) in the wire connection areas

After the connection is complete open your ide, paste the below code, connect nano to computer and upload the code.

The program is simple and you should not face any issues in this process and if you still have any watch the video or leave a comment I'm there to help you guys.

Step 2: Detection and Movement Mechanism

For the detection like i mentioned earlier we are using the flame sensor, the mere servo horns do not do the job we need extensions.

I will use the popsicle sticks for this purpose, trim the sticks to half and to edges glue the horns and later connect to servo shaft

To elevate the height i will use this small piece of plastic, you can use cardboard for this purpose also.

Use small amount of hot glue for this purpose, The servo should be intact since it will carry the weigh of hose and water while it is in working.

Allow to dry completely and secure it with the base, Keep the wires of servo to one side and organize in such a way that only bare minimum is visible.

This part covers the main part of servo mechanism that will help to spray the water, In the next step we will see how to make the water discharge mechanism

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Step 3: Water Spray Mechansim

Connect the battery to the battery holder, I recommend to use 18650 battery since they give longer backup time and they are rechargeable too.

The toggle switch pins are soldered/connected to one end of the submersible pump, the other side to + or - terminal of the battery which you chose.

Manually press the switch and check if it is working, If it is working we are good to go and place the switch, Make sure the switch does not come in contact with any water while the project is working.

Use hot glue to stick the toggle switch to the base of the cardboard, Adjust the position of servo properly so when it is activated it will press on this switch activating the pump.

Connect the hose to the pump and if needed secure it with a zip tie, Allow no excess hanging cables in the servo areas.

Step 4: Final Tests

Before finishing the movements have to be checked for errors, In my case the hose that i used was short that caused obstruction in the movement of servo horn, I realized in this stage and i got it fixed and then everything worked fine with no problem.

To check all you have to do is don't insert the pump inside water, Simply turn on the circuit and light a match in front of the sensor.

If everything is right, Servo horn along with the hose should sweep and then the other servo should press toggle switch and activate the pump.

This will happen until no fire is detected, Now if this is ok, place the pump inside the plastic container.

Fill the container with water and now to increase the water pressure coming out i have used a simple idea.

The tip of the pen comes with removable nozzle and it was a perfect fit for this project, This will increase the water flow to the target much faster.

Now after all this is complete our project is ready for testing

Step 5: How to Use

The main puprose of fire sensor is detecting the fire if any and within few milliseconds it activates the servo, To do this all you have to do is connect the nano board to USB power source.

I will use power bank to supply power and if you are willing you can use single power source also, i wanted to use separate source so as to make the circuit as simple as possible.

After the USB is connected both the servo will be activated, When any fire is detected one servo starts to sweep while the other presses the toggle switch which will activate the pump and sprays the water to the source until it goes off.

You can increase the size of water container as per requirement, In my case this was sufficient but in real world cases the size requirement may differ.

Step 6: Working Video

Here is a video of this project, If you still have any confusion in the circuit consider checking this video.

The working of this video is simply cool i have used the match as fire source and to my surprise it worked very well, I later used lighters that also worked very well.

If you are using lighters make sure you have another one ready since this robot throws water straight away to the lighter!

That is all for now, Hope this robot project was useful, Thank you for reading.