Introduction: Arduino Infrared Remote Tutorial

About: I am a full time software engineer and enjoy working on various projects in my spare time, especially Arduino, electronics, 3D printing and woodworking.
It is really easy to control an Arduino using an infrared remote. There is one particular remote that is available from multiple sources and is really quite cheap, they look and operate in a very similar way.

NEOMART Raspberry Pi HX1838 Infrared Remote Control Ir Receiver Module DIY Kit.  Amazon
Kootek Raspberry Pi Infrared Remote Control Ir Receiver Module DIY Kit. Amazon

The problem is that documentation seems to be scarce for these particular remotes. Here is how I figured out how to use them.

Step 1: Assemble Circuit

You will need one Arduino for this. I used a UNO, but just about any Arduino should work. First wire up the infrared receiver that came with your kit. There are 3 wires, PWR, GND, and SIG, I used port 11 for SIG. Note! some readers have reported that their sensor has different wiring, double check it yourself.

Step 2: Download IR Library

In order to reverse engineer the remote and obtain the codes for each button we are going to need to download and install the following library.

Extract the file in your libraries directory. e.g.  ( C:\electronics\arduino-1.0.5\libraries )
note: I had to rename the library because the name was too long, I just renamed it to IR.


Step 3: Add Library to Sketch

With the IR folder ( or whatever you named it) now in your libraries directory, we can import it into a new sketch.

Start a new sketch and the Click  

        Sketch->Import Library->IR.

Step 4: Paste Code and Compile

Paste the following code into the new sketch. Then verify it compiles.

#include <IRemote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 11;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;

void setup()
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

void loop()
  if (irrecv.decode(&results))
     Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
     irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value


Step 5: Open the Serial Monitor

Connect the Arduino to your computer using the usb port, then upload the sketch. Open up the Serial Monitor, get the remote and press the buttons. Some hex codes should appear on the Serial Monitor.


Step 6: Record Button Codes

Here are the codes that I got for the white remote. FFFFFF is a repeat command, you'll get a stream of them if you hold down a button.

PWR       FF629D     
CH          FFE21D        
|<<          FF22DD  
>|            FFC23D              
>>|          FF02FD               
-              FFE01F 
Plus        FFA857         
EQ          FF906F          
0             FF6897            
100         FF9867           
200         FFB04F           
1             FF30CF                 
2             FF18E7                 
3             FF7A85                  
4             FF10EF                   
5             FF38C7                    
6             FF5AA5                  
7             FF42BD                  
8             FF48B5             
9             FF52AD 

and here are the codes I got from the black remote.

PWR                               FD00FF
VOL                                FD807F
FUNC/STOP                    FD40BF
|<<                                   FD20DF
>|                                     FDA05F
>>|                                   FD609F
DOWN                             FD10EF
VOL                                 FD906F
UP                                   FD50AF
0                                      FD30CF
EQ                                   FDB04F
ST/REPT                         FD708F
1                                      FD08F7
2                                      FD8877
3                                      FD48B7
4                                      FD28D7
5                                      FDA857
6                                      FD6897
7                                      FD18E7
8                                      FD9867
9                                      FD58A7       

Step 7: Works on Any Remote!

Now go grab a bunch or remotes from around the house, and give those a try! I got a direct-tv remote and the smartphone pod/remote for a Helo TC remote controlled helicopter. This circuit showed the code for both of these remotes.

Here is the project that inspired me to write this up!