Introduction: Arduino Jumping Game

Parts list:

  • 1 x Arduino UNO
  • 1 x LCD screen (16 x 2 character)
  • 1 x Electronics breadboard
  • 1 x 220 Ω resistor
  • 1 x Pushbutton switch
  • Solid-core hookup wire
  • 1 x USB cable

Step 1: Step 1: How to Assemble It

  1. Use hookup wire to connect the 5V signal on the Arduino to the red row of the breadboard.
  2. Use hookup wire to connect the GND signal to the black row at the top of the breadboard.
  3. Plug the LCD 16-pin into the breadboard, the electronic signals that the LCD will go through this header.
  4. the LCD pin count from the left to right (LCD pin 7,8,9,10 is not used here)
    1. Connect LCD pin 16 to the black row of the breadboard

    2. Connect LCD pin 15 to the red row of the breadboard

    3. Connect LCD pin 14 to Arduino pin 3

    4. Connect LCD pin 13 to Arduino pin 4

    5. Connect LCD pin 12 to Arduino pin 5

    6. Connect LCD pin 11 to Arduino pin 6

    7. Connect LCD pin 6 to Arduino pin 9

    8. Connect LCD pin 5 to the black row of the breadboard

    9. Connect LCD pin 4 to Arduino pin 11

    10. Connect LCD pin 3 to the black row of the breadboard

    11. Connect LCD pin 2 to the red row of the breadboard

    12. Connect LCD pin 1 to the black row of the breadboard

  5. plug the pushbutton into the breadboard, connect one side to pin 2 of the Arduino, one side to the black row of the breadboard
  6. the program!!!

Step 2: Step 2: Make a Box for It

you can download this to make a box for it

ps. need laser cutter

Step 3: Step 3: Start to Play!