Introduction: Arduino LED Blink, Fade and Traffic Lights for Beginners

About: Hi, I'm an electronics and Arduino amateur, I try to share with you my experience and little projects, hope you like it. visit my youtube channel for more projects

Hi Everyone, Just started this, sorry for the low quality video, in this instructables I showed how to blink, fade a simple LED, then I did a traffic lights project.

Hope you enjoy it, any suggestions or advice is welcome, Thanks

Step 1: Prepare Your Equipement

You'll need:

1-Arduino Uno

2- 6xLEDs (2 reds, 2 oranges and 2 greens)

3-Jump wires


6- 6x1kohm Resistors

Step 2: Simple Blink

The schematic is in the picture

Here's the code


//Simple LED blinking program
//SurtrTech Youtube Channel
const int L1 = 2; //Declaring LED pin
void setup()
pinMode(L1, OUTPUT); //Setting pin mode
void loop() 
digitalWrite(L1, HIGH); //Turn on led
delay(1000); // On time in miliseconds
digitalWrite(L1, LOW); //Turn off led
delay(1000); //Off time 


Step 3: LED Fading

In this part you can use the same components but you have to change the pin to an pwm pin.

I used the pin number 3 from the pwm output of the arduino


//Simple LED blinking program
//SurtrTech Youtube Channel
const int L1 = 3;  // Led pin (must use a pwm output)  
void setup() {
void loop() {
  for (int fadeValue = 0 ; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue += 5) { // A loop that goes from 0 to 255 which is 0V to 5V in an pwm output (3)
analogWrite(L1, fadeValue); // The led receive the value from 0 to 255
 delay(100); //Time in miliseconds
  for (int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -= 5) { // Same loop but from highest value to lowest value
  analogWrite(L1, fadeValue); // The led receive the value from 255 to 0


Step 4: Traffic Lights

You'll need 6 LEDs (2 Reds,2 Oranges and 2 Greens)

You separate them in 2 groups (Red1, Orange1 and Green1) then (Red2, Orange2 and Green2)

You connect them like before using this setup:

Pin 2 Red1
Pin 3 Orange1
Pin 4 Green1
Pin 5 Red2
Pin 6 Orange2
Pin 7 Green2

This is the code

//Traffic lights using 6 LEDs
//SurtrTech Youtube Channel //Modified by LEBOUIHA const int L1 = 2; // Declaring 6 LEDs output 2,3 and for are for the light1 and
const int L2 = 3; // 5,6 and 7 are for the light 2
const int L3 = 4;
const int L4 = 5;
const int L5 = 6;
const int L6 = 7;
void setup()
pinMode(L1, OUTPUT);  //Red 1
pinMode(L2, OUTPUT);  //Orange 1
pinMode(L3, OUTPUT);  //Green 1
pinMode(L4, OUTPUT);  //Red 2
pinMode(L5, OUTPUT);  //Orange 2
pinMode(L6, OUTPUT);  //Green 2
void loop() 
digitalWrite(L1, HIGH); // You chose which two you want to turn on as you like, and you must turn off the others
digitalWrite(L6, HIGH); // And you repeat
digitalWrite(L2, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L5, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L3, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L4, LOW); 
delay(4000); // Time in miliseconds
digitalWrite(L1, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(L6, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L2, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L5, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(L3, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L4, LOW); 
 digitalWrite(L1, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(L6, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L2, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L5, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L3, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L4, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(L1, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L6, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L2, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L5, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L3, HIGH);  
digitalWrite(L4, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(L1, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L6, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L2, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(L5, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L3, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L4, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(L1, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(L6, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L2, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L5, LOW); 
digitalWrite(L3, LOW);  
digitalWrite(L4, HIGH); 