Introduction: Arduino Light Sensor

This is a light sensor using Arduino to make it, it's easy and everyone can do it by yourself. It can help you sense the light Luminance wherever you are.

When you are making it, first prepare the materials and build up the circuit, and then write the code and decorate it, you'll finish your working and have an Arduino light sensor.

Step 1: Materials


1 Breadboard

1 Arduino Leonardo

2 Photoresistors 5 Resistors (1000Ω)

1 Photoresistance

Few RGB lights bulbs

Several Male-to-male Jumper Wires & Male-to-female Jumper Wire

A Box

A Power Bank

Micro USB wire




Step 2: Circuit

Put the components on to the breadboard and Arduino like the picture above.

Reminder: Check every wires and component are correctly connected on the board.

Step 3: Code

Step 4: Decoration

Now that the Arduino Light Sensor is finished, you can decorate it. You can use the paper to cover the box.

Put the circuit in. The cardboard should cover the circuit. Then you finish the decoration.

Step 5: Complete

You are done with all your work!

Test your Arduino machine to see if it works.

You can use to see if the light is too dark for doing work, if people use their eyes in dark places, it's not good for it.