Introduction: Arduino Nano Breadboard Adapter

Having tried out some tutorials for the nano with it plugged into the breadboard I found it wasn't a great use of the limited space especially if only using a few of the nano's pins with the circuit.
So I cut up an old piece of strip board soldered on some headers and made an adapter to keep my nano off the breadboard but still allowing me to use the breadboard jumper cables.

What you'll need:

Strip PCB
Header pins 2x40 socket x 1 (or 1x40 socket x 2 see built adapter board)
2 medium elastic bands
Lead free solder with flux
Soldering iron
small vice
medium grade sandpaper
Cardboard or foam packing for the base

Step 1: The Board

The first thing you need to do is measure and mark up the PCB, rotate the board so the strips are running across you, not away from you.
Place the nano on the board in the holes so it's pointing away from you, leaving one column of empty holes between the nano and the edge of the board. Leaving another column of empty holes on the other side of the nano mark the next column with a pencil line. Mark the first empty row of holes at to top of the nano.
Use the ruler to get straight lines.
Cut the strip board, using the hacksaw, along the pencil lines.
You need to break the connection on the strip board between the 2 lines of pins, use the hacksaw to remove the copper on one column on holes down the middle of the board.
The board is almost done you just need to tidy up the edges with the sandpaper.

Step 2: The Headers

Place the nano's pin's in the header and mark the middle of first empty socket.
Remove the nano and cut the header at the pencil mark.
Use the sandpaper to smooth the rough edges.

Repeat this process for the second row of pins on the nano.

Step 3: Soldering

Use the small vice to hold the board and header in position while you solder one pin at each end of the header. The first two solder joints will hold everything in position while you finish soldering the rest of the pins.

Take your time and make sure there are is no solder bridging the gap between strips.

Repeat the process for the second header.

Step 4: The Base

Place the soldered adapter on the base and mark around it with pencil.
Cut out the base shape with the scissors.
Place the base on the adapter and loop the elastic band under the base twist it above the adapter and loop it under the other side of the adapter. If done correctly the band should cross on top of the adapter.

That's it you now have a useful adapter for you nano that allows you to use it like an uno.
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