Introduction: Arduino Nano Capacitance Meter
This project is practically three components because it's formed of a 16X2 LCD Display, a potentiometer 10K, and an Arduino Nano while the rest of parts are a PCB designed by me using EasyEda software, 1 X 40 HEADER, 0.1" SPACING, and 1x6 FEMALE HEADER. This tester can measure from 0.000 to 1mF.
Step 1: Bill of Materials
What you will need:
1-Arduino Nano
1-16 X 2 LCD Display
1-PCB designed by me using EasyEda software
1-10 K Potentiometer
1-1 X 40 HEADER, 0.1" SPACING
Soldering Iron
Soldering 60/40 roll
Step 2: Schematic
This is your schematic so that you can construct the project correctly. The diagram contains detailed information to complete it without any problem.
Step 3: Preparing Your LCD
Taking the 1 X 40 HEADER, 0.1" SPACING, cut 16 pins and insert that part in your LCD.
Step 4: Preparing the Arduino Nano
Taking the 1 X 40 HEADER, 0.1" SPACING, cut 1 x 4-pin and insert it from under the Arduino nano and solder on (5V, RST, GND, Vin). Now, cut 1 x 15-pin and insert it from under the Arduino nano and solder on (D12, D11, D10, D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, GND, RST, RXD, TXD). Finally, insert the 1 x 6 FEMALE HEADER diractly on the Arduino nano between A0 and A5 and solder it under the Arduino.
Step 5: Installing the 10 K Potentiometer
Insert the 10 K potentiometer directly on your PCB and solder it.
Step 6: Installing the 16 X 2 LCD Display
Insert the LCD directly on your PCB and solder it.
Step 7: Installing the Arduino Nano
Carefully insert the Arduino nano directly on the PCB and solder it.
Step 8: Complete Your Project
Once completed your project, you can upload the code. For that, you should visit the next website:
Then, upload the code at: