Introduction: Arduino Nano With DHT Sensor & OLED

In this tutorial I'll describe how to use a DHT sensor on an Arduino Nano and OLED display.

Step 1: Intro


My name is Nick Hendriks and I live in the Netherlands. I have no experience with Arduino or the components used, but with reading a lot of tutorials I came to this little project I wanted to set up.

I have this DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor and an OLED display. A while ago I ordered a C-control WiFi board, wich is basically an Arduino NANO V3 with integrated ESP8266 WiFI module.

For the experienced ones, this should be easy, for me, it was a kind of challenge.

So follow these steps to build your own temperature/humidity display.

Step 2: Components

For the microcontroller, I use C-control Wifi Board (or Pretzelboard), wich is an Arduino Nano V3 with an ESP8266 Wifi module integrated.

The sensor I use, is a DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor. You can also use a DHT22 sensor, wich is more precize, but I'll come back to that later.

The OLED display I use is a Heltec display. After a lot of research i found out it works like an Adafruit 128x64 SPI OLED display based on a SSD1306 chip, so my drawing will use the Adafruit one.

Fit this onto a breadboard and follow the next step for wiring.

Step 3: Wiring

Check out the Fritzing image for the wiring.

OLED display wiring:

Display / Arduino


Vin / 3.3v (in my case, when using Adafruit connect it to 5V)

Data (mosi) / D9

CLK / D10

D/C / D11

RST / D13

CS / D12

DHT11 wiring:

VCC / 3.3v

Data / D2 on Arduino Nano


Step 4: Software

The software I made is a mix of different Adafruit scripts. The tutorial for the Display can be found here and the tutorial for the DHT sensor here.

The script can be modified to display your own startup message, aswell the use of the sensor type. When your sensor is broken or not connected, it will display a message on startup. Don't leave this running for hours, or the text will burn into the OLED!

In this script I use the DHT11 sensor.

Link to Github

Load this directly into your nano when using an Adafruit SPI 128x64 OLED and a DHT11 sensor. Or edit to your needs (when using a different display, check the Adafruit tutorial.)

Step 5: Firing Up

When the script is loaded, you should see a little dot in your display after a few seconds, followed by your welcome text and then the loading screen. When the sensor isn't working or when it's disconnected, it gives you a error message.

When everything is fine, it'll show you the current temperature and humidity levels. Auto refresh every 1 second.

Step 6: The End

Thank you for reading this tutorial. As I said, I'm a beginner at this, so input is appreciated! I'm learning more and more everyday.