Introduction: Arduino RFID Reader / MFRC522 Turorial
This is an simple tutorial for beginner on how to use a MFRC522 module using Arduino
Remarks* I apologize for my english's grammar because i am a chinese :)
Step 1: Collecting Parts and Programs
In this project, you needed these parts :
1.Aruduino Uno R3 (you can also use the other version of Arduino)
2.MFRC522 module
3.Arduino IDE ( you can download it from here )
4.5V relay (not necessary)
5.TIP31 transistor (not needed if you didn't use the 5V relay)
6.Jumper cables
Programs :
You will need the RFID library and the programs which you can download from the file that i attached . If you don't know how to add a library , here's the link
Step 2: Connecting the Component
Connect the pins with following :
- MOSI ---> PIN 11
- MISO ---> PIN 12
- SCK ---> PIN 13
- SS/SDA ---> PIN 10
- RST ---> PIN 9
- LED ---> PIN 7 & GND
- Relay / Output power ---> VCC connect to 5V pins and the collector pin of the TIP31
- GND connect to GND pins,
- IN connect to emitter pin of TIP31
- Pin 8 is connected to the base pin of the TIP31
*Ways to connect the led and relay is shown on the image above ( i didn't connect the arduino with the mfrc522 module because i didn't know how to make it , so just follow the text above to connect them)
*Double check before you connect your arduino with your computer , the wrong connection could damage your arduino
Step 3: Setting Up for Your Card
Plug your arduino into your computer and select the correct board and com, then verify and upload your sketch
Open up serial monitor and set your baud to 9600 baud
Scan your card , your should saw a bunch of numbers pop out
Copy only the number and paste it to the column after "int cards[][5] = { (replace the space with ',' as shown in the image above, in my case, my card is 5 117 21 219 190 )
You're Done !
Pls comment if you spot any mistake of my instructables or any question to ask me