Introduction: Arduino - RFID Tag Reader/Manager

About: A curious man tha wants to change the world

Manage your RFID tags with this simple and powerful app!

You can create systems to use your tags however you like!

Step 1: Materials

To this project, I have used an Arduino Nano and a RFID-RC522 module.

Nano V3.0 Mini USB ATmega328 -

Mifare RC522 Card Read Antenna RFID Reader IC Card Proximity Module -

Step 2: Conection

You need to connect the module with the Arduino

Module -> Arduino

3.3v -> 3.3v

RST -> Pin 05


MISO -> Pin 12

MOSI -> Pin 11

SCK -> Pin 13

SDA -> Pin 10

Step 3: The Sketch

I found this sketch on the web. You can use any sketch to send the tag key to serial.


Step 4: The App

The app is very simple. You only need to select the COM port and connect.

All data are saved in the entry folder.

Download the app on GitHub -

Have Fun!