Introduction: Arduino Safety Relay Box With Wall Socket
A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate the switch and provide electrical isolation between two circuits. In this project there is no real need to isolate one circuit from the other, but we will use an Arduino UNO to control the relay. (read more @ Wiki)
One side of relay will be connected with high voltage (home) circuit, that means risk of electrocution! In this project we will develop a simple wood box to ensure that risk of electrocution will not be a problem any more. With this box it will be totally safe to start playing with the Arduino uno and Relay module.
So, let's get started!
Step 1: What You Will Need
To build this Safety Box you will need:
- Arduino uno
- One channel Relay Module
- AC to DC 12V converter
- Wall socket
- High voltage cable ~50cm
- Βipolar plug
- Clamp
- Balsa wood sheet 5x100x1000cm
About relay module:
We will need a 5V 1-Channel Relay interface board - 15~20mA Driver Current, equiped with high-current relay, AC 250V 10A / DC30V 10A.
(see images above)
Step 2: The Circuit
Please check your connections at least once! DO NOT plug circuit to wall socket yet!
Tip! You can also use a schuko socket and plug for more protection, just connect ground cable (protective earth pin) between them.
You can watch the video below, but it's in Greek language. Soon will be available with English subtitles.
Step 3: The Box
To build the box you will need to cut balsa sheet (or other wood) as:
- 2pcs 15x10cm for top and botton
- 4pcs 5x15cm for all around sides
These are mine box dimensions. You must change them if it's necessary to fit yours AC to DC adapter.
On top side you must open one big hole that will fit wall socket and two small holes for arduino cables, see above images.
You can merge sides with glue (you can also use glue for 'in-box' stuff). Use adhesive tape to attach arduino uno on top of box.
Step 4: Testing...
Take one desk lamp and plug it on box-socket.
Attach usb cable to Arduino uno and run the following program.
Now you can power on your box, just put box-plug to wall socket.
You will see your lamp to blink every 3 seconds.
Step 5: Well Done!
That's it! Now you have your own Arduino Safety Relay Box ready for our next cool projects!
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