Introduction: Arduino-Smart-Car-Angus.G.8char
This is an Instructable on how to put together a Arduino Smart Car
by Angus Gruar 8 Chardin Saint Ignatius Collage Geelong
To complete your Arduino Smart Car you will need the following:
- 1 x plastic/wooden frame
- 2 x motors (yours will have soldered black and red wires on them)
- 2 x large yellow wheels and tyres
- free-rotating castor wheel
- Battery pack (4 x AA batteries)
- Switch
- Screws, bolts
- Various Wires
Optional Additions...
- 3d-printed Static (not-moving) Ultrasonic mount
- 3d-printed moving Ultrasonic mount
- Things you might need also....
- Additional wires blue tack
- Phillips head mini-screwdriver (keep in your kit)
- small needle nosed pliers
Step 1: Step 1
First you need to get the large frame and and all 4 small wooden 'T' shaped piece's. You will need to thread 2 of the 'Ts' through the small thin rectangle vertical holes under the cross shapes in the frame (the mushroom part of the frame is the top/front).
Step 2: Step 2
In this step you will need the remaining two small wooden 'T' shaped piece's the two yellow motors and x4 long screws+bults. First take one of the 'Ts' and one of the motors, fit the motor in to place on the outside next to one of the wooden 'Ts' already in the frame ( it's important that the black end of the motor is pointed down). then take the another wooden 'T' and put that on the other side of the motor. then you will need to take two of the screws+bults and thread them threw both the two holes that go right threw the 'Ts'+motor. Repeat this step on the other side of the frame (the other 'T' in place).
Step 3: Step 3
In this step you will need the 2 small black circles and the two wheels. On the side of he motor facing inwards, slide the small black circles onto the white peg in the middle of he cross shaped hole. on the other side of the white peg on the opposite side of the motor slide on one of the wheels. repeat this on the other side.
Step 4: Step 4
In this step you will need 8 of the small screws, the 4 small round golden standoffs and the free-rotating castor wheel. First you will need to attach all 4 golden standoffs to each corner of the the free-rotating castor wheel using 4 of the small screws, and then screw the other side of the standoffs through the four holes at the bottom on the other side. (this should be put on the same side of the frame as the motor)
Step 5: Step 5
In this step all you need is the switch. Slide it in the rectangle hole located in-between the two motors (the top of the switch should be on the other side of the frame than the motor.)
Step 6: Step 6
In this step you need the Battery-pack, 2 screws and 2 bults. On the opposite side of the frame than the motors you will need to put the 2 screws threw the holes at each end of the battery-pack then put these screws through the frame and screw it up on the other side of the frame using the bults.
Step 7: Step 7
In this step you will just need wires. Before you start anything else you may want to attach some wires to the motors and the battery pack. you will need to have two wires running from one motor to the other, then you will need to have two wires running from one of the motor to the switch (the two wires go to the two different parts of the switch) , hen you will also need two wires running from the two sides of the battery pack (the two wires go to the two different parts of the switch).
Step 8: Conclusion
Now is you put in the batteries and turn on the switch your Arduino Smart Car should start to move foword.