Introduction: Arduino Stand- Alone PCB

About: I am creative buy shy about sharing it and I would like to increase what I know. I also like to play guitar doing excercise.
Well, I want to make it very simple, I always work with arduino and the fact that you have tu use a full board on every proyect is not very economically efficient. So I decided to make a simple yet effective PCB to install the arduino and keep it working, 

Keep in mind that the PCB is supposed to work when you have already tested your circuit and program, no serial comunication or else, just a simple I/O pcb for the arduino in 5 x 3 cm.

I Uploaded the Gerber file below, but I'll list the parts you need.

1 -L7805
2 -10uF
2 -22pF
1 -16Mhz Crystal
1 -AtMega 328