Introduction: Arduino Thermostat With 2x DS18b20 I2c 4x16 Display, 2 RGB LED's and 3 Relay's

The Goal of the Project is a Thermostat for my 2 Fish Tank's with LCD Display RGB LED an Relay to control the Heater in the Tank
an a Cooling Fan for the Big Fishtank

Arduino Nano or equal
2x RGB LED's or RGB SMD LED or Single Color LED's
1x 2 Channel 5v Relay Modul -> for the Heater's
1x 1 Channel 5v Relay -> for Cooling Fan 
2x DS18B20 1 Wire Sensor
1x 4k7 Ohm Resistor for the 1 Wire Bus
6x 220Ohm Resistor for the LED's
1x 20x4 Display with i2c Interface

Step 1: Schematic Without Relay's and Display

This is the Schematic without Display an Relay's

Step 2: Display 20x4 I2c

my Display is equal to this

SDA -> Arduino A4
SDL -> Arduino A5
VCC -> 5V

Step 3: Relay

2 Relay Modules are connected

1x Dual Channel Modul equal to this for the Heater
1x Single Channel Modul from HonKong for the Fan in the Big Tank

Rel1 -> Arduino D2
Rel2 -> Arduino D3
Rel3 -> Arduino D8
GND -> Arduino GND
VCC -> Arduino 5V

Step 4: The Code

#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

int bluePin1 = 10;                        //Digital Pin für Blaue LED1 in RGB-LED 
int greenPin1 = 11;                       //Digital Pin für Grüne LED1 in RGB-LED 
int redPin1 = 12;                         //Digital Pin für Rote LED1 in RGB-LED 

int redIn1 = 0;
int greenIn1 = 1;
int blueIn1 = 2;

int redVal1;
int greenVal1;
int blueVal1;

int bluePin2 = 4;                        //Digital Pin für Blaue LED2 in RGB-LED 
int greenPin2 = 5;                       //Digital Pin für Grüne LED2 in RGB-LED 
int redPin2 = 6;                         //Digital Pin für Rote LED2 in RGB-LED 

int redIn2 = 3;
int greenIn2 = 4;
int blueIn2 = 5;

int redVal2;
int greenVal2;
int blueVal2;

int relPin1 = 2;                        //Digital Pin für Relay1
int relPin2 = 3;                        //Digital Pin für Relay2
int relPin3 = 8;                        //Digital Pin für Relay3

int relPin1In = 3;
int relPin2In = 4;
int relPin3In = 5;

int relPin1Val;
int relPin2Val;
int relPin3Val;

//Heizungs Status
int heiz1Val;
int heiz2Val;
#define BACKLIGHT_PIN 13
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 7
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x20,20,4);  // set the LCD address to 0x20 for a 20 chars and 4 line display
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

void setup() {
  lcd.init();                      // initialize the lcd
  pinMode(relPin1, OUTPUT);      //Output Mode for Relay1
  pinMode(relPin2, OUTPUT);      //Output Mode for Relay2
  pinMode(relPin3, OUTPUT);      //Output Mode for Relay3

void loop() {
  float temperature1 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Aquarium: ");
  float temperature2 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(1);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
  lcd.print("Becken:   ");
//Je nach Temperatur Farbe der RGB-LED anpassen und Rel 1 schalten
    if(temperature1 <= 27)
      redVal1 = 0;
      greenVal1 = 0;
      blueVal1 = 150;
      relPin1Val = LOW;
      relPin3Val = LOW;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Heizung ist: Ein  ");
    else if(temperature1 > 27 && temperature1 < 29)
      redVal1 = 0;
      greenVal1 = 150;
      blueVal1 = 0;
      relPin1Val = HIGH;
      relPin3Val = LOW;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Heizung ist: Aus  ");
    else if(temperature1 > 29)
      redVal1 = 150;
      greenVal1 = 0;
      blueVal1 = 0;
      relPin1Val = HIGH;
      relPin3Val = HIGH;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Lueftung ist: Ein  ");

//Je nach Temperatur Farbe der RGB-LED anpassen und Rel 2 schalten
    if(temperature2 <= 27)
      redVal2 = 0;
      greenVal2 = 0;
      blueVal2 = 255;
      relPin2Val = LOW;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
      lcd.print("Heizung ist: Ein  ");    
    else if(temperature2 > 27 && temperature2 < 29)
      redVal2 = 0;
      greenVal2 = 255;
      blueVal2 = 0;
      relPin2Val = HIGH;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
      lcd.print("Heizung ist: Aus  ");   
    else if(temperature2 > 29)
      redVal2 = 255;
      greenVal2 = 0;
      blueVal2 = 0;
      relPin2Val = HIGH;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
      lcd.print("Lueftung ist: Ein ");
  analogWrite(redPin1, redVal1);
  analogWrite(greenPin1, greenVal1);
  analogWrite(bluePin1, blueVal1);
  analogWrite(redPin2, redVal2);
  analogWrite(greenPin2, greenVal2);
  analogWrite(bluePin2, blueVal2);
  digitalWrite(relPin1, relPin1Val);
  digitalWrite(relPin2, relPin2Val);
  digitalWrite(relPin3, relPin3Val);