Introduction: Arduino Uno As Keyboard

About: I am an 8th grade student currently apart of the 49ers STEM Leadership Institute.

In this project, we are going to use the Arduino Uno as a HID keyboard. To start, connect the two pins shown with a metal conductor, which cause the device to go into firmware mode.


What you need:

  • An Arduino Uno or Mega
  • A Usb - B cable
  • A computer

Step 1: Downloading Flip

After connecting the two pins, install Atmel flip, which will allow us to change the firmware. The link to download is this:

Step 2: Connecting the Board and Firmware

After doing this, open it up and select the Atmel16u2 chip. Then click the usb, and then select usb, and open it.

Step 3:

You should now be able to see a button that says flash, and it should now have become an Arduino keyboard.