Introduction: Arduino Voltmeter (Cars Battery Measurement System)
Have you ever wanted a selfmade, opensource Voltmeter for your car ?
Please do not measure higher voltage than 12V!
With some low-cost electronic parts, you will build this in a few minutes!
Parts of this project: -> Arduino Uno or Duemilanove (available here: )
-> LC Display (16x2) (available here: )
-> Breadboard (available here: )
-> Some jumpers ( available here: )
-> A potentiometer 10k Ω ( available here: )
-> 1x 10 kΩ resistor, 1x 14 kΩ resistor, 1x Z-Diode (5,1V)
-> Arduino IDE ( available here: )
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Step 1: Creating the Electrical Circuit:
First of all, we have to search for the LC Display - Datasheet on the Internet. In this case, I used this Display here:
---> Open now the Arduino IDE, click on "data", click on "samples" , click on "Liquid Crystal" and load the "Hello World" -Sketch.
Now you are able to create your electrical circuit...
After all you can prove your electrical circuit, load the "Hello World" - Sketch, the LCD should work now.
Step 2: Modify the Existing Circuit:
Ok.. Lets go to an interesting part:
For example, if you would like to measure the voltage of your cars battery, take your arduino voltmeter:
Princip of the Circuit:
-> The measurecircuit exists of a simple voltage divider using two resistors ( 10kΩ, 14kΩ) and a Z-Diode (5,1V)
-> The Z-Diode protects the Arduino in case of overvoltage!
-> If we would like to measure the voltage up to 12V, we have to use simple maths calculation.
-> The maximum Voltage of the analog Port (A0) is 5V.
-> I made a small maths calculation. Have a look at this :D
You only have to modify the existing Circuit :D
Step 3: Loading the Code Onto Your Arduino:
If you created the circuit, load the following Arduino Code onto your Microcontroller.
-> Have fun with your new car battery measurement system :D
-> Please contact me, if you have any problems :D
Thank you very much