Introduction: Arduino (optic Fibre)

I just brought a new lamp and after a week, I'm tired of looking at it randomly change colours between red, blue, green. What can you expect from a cheap lamp brought at 5$ . Looking at the lamp I realized that I could make a gmail lamp, that shines green every time I got a unread mail.
But after some time I changed my idea, and started working on a simple hack. The hack is relatively simple, we can use an Bluetoothdevice to communicate with my lamp and make it glow which colour I like. And further to the upgrade the lamp just doesn't glow red, blue, green but also an addition of a few other colours. The additional colours is a mixture of the three primary colours. And at the end of the day I was happy with my lamp and it looked quite cool controlled with my android mobile phone

Step 1: Parts

Lets start with getting all the required parts

1)RBG Leds
3)Bluetooth module
4)RBG lamp

-soldering iron

Step 2:

Time to disassemble the lamp, after disassembling I found this tiny board with three leds. I de-soldered all wires going to the board and started soldering wires across the leds and connected all the cathodes of all the leds together as seen in the circuit. If you have a RBG led you could go with that instead of three leds. Follow the circuit and you would have a lamp ready to be powered.

Step 3: Colours

Time to set the colours you like, you could stay with standard red, blue, green. Here is a simple list to get the colour you prefer.
-Magenta (red+blue)
-Cyan (blue+green)
-Yellow (red+green)
These colours are programmed in the code and to get the respective colour all you have to do is enter the first letter and the lamp glows.

Step 4: Code

Time to upload the code to your arduino, you can download the code from the attachments. Make sure that the Bluetooth module isn't connect to the arduino board, or the code wont upload to the board. Try modifying the code to make it more user friendly.

Step 5: Bluetooth

Time to connect the Lamp to your mobile or mac. For android user's you need to download an app named 'Arduino Bluetooth terminal' . After you install the app pair your android device to your board and start the app.
Click connect once the app is launched. And now try sending any colour case (Example- 'b' for blue), if the lamp lights up your project is done.
Hardware Hacking

Participated in the
Hardware Hacking

Improve Your Room Youth Design Challenge

Participated in the
Improve Your Room Youth Design Challenge

Make It Glow Contest

Participated in the
Make It Glow Contest