Introduction: Solar Hot Water Controller With Arduino Mega and Ds18b20 Temp Sensor
This is project for control solar system.
Step 1: Things U Need
- 1xArdunio
- 1xLCD 16x2
- 3x4.7 kOhm resistor
- 2xN-P-N transistor
- 2x5v relay
- 3xDS18b20 temperature sensor
- 1xBreadboard
- 2x220 Ohm resistor
Step 2: Connecting DS18b20 Sensors
Note: 4.7kOhm resistors don't change to any nominal.
Step 3: Connect LCD
In program I connect the lcd keypad and I suggest connect lcd wires as keypad
Step 4: Uploading Programm
All libraries is in arduino only OneWire not in arduino you can download this fom here.
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Have fun!!