Introduction: Arduino Water System to Wet Your Plant

About: I'm an Arduino Maker, I like technology, playing tennis

Irrigation system, for wetting a plant from remote with Arduino

In this project we will see how to create a system that can soak its own plant / planter even remotely, using a bit 'of electronic devices.

Step 1: What Do We Need ?

This project can be useful when we are at home and want to take care of our garden; In fact, from their iPhone / smartphone, you can drive a small pump that can dampen our flowers / plants. Let 'need:


· 1 x Arduino Uno

· 1 x Ethernet Shield per Arduino

· 4 x Rechargeable Battery AA

· 1 x Battery holder AA

· 1 x Relay

· 1 x Pumpa RS-360-SH


· Arduino IDE

· The project's code

Step 2: ​Explanation Project

The system uses a bit 'of devices, such as the Arduino microcontroller, on which the program will be loaded and will be transformed into a webserver, thanks to Shiled Ethernet. The role of the relay is to turn on and off a pump, which will be able to irrigate water its planter or a simple plant. The relay will be activated via a web page, which will be in the same Arduino.

Step 3: ​How to Connect Devices

In order to use the pump power is needed which is not payable directly dall'Arduino; In fact, this device is capable of delivering a current of little more than a tenth of Ampere and output voltages of the order of 5 V. The pump requires at least 6 V and a current of just over Ampere. For this reason it is necessary to use the 4 batteries 1.5 V, which allow to obtain a voltage of 6 V and the current request. The red wire from the battery holder, the pump will be connected to the anode and the cathode is connected to the relay through a cable; this device will be connected to the black wire of the battery, which will be our mass. The relay will be connected through Arduino with 3 cables, the VCC, GND and input, which will be connected to pin 9.

Step 4: Arduino Code

Here you can find the Arduino code:

Step 5: The Project on Work

Now that we have connected all the cables, I will do open your browser and type the IP address of the Arduino and press the picture on and the water will start to come out! Here's a video showing the operation:

Step 6: ​Final Conclusions and Next Feature

As you can see, the design is simple enough to create, but it will be really useful, as it allows you to start watering the garden directly from your smartphone, even remotely. Possible improvements:

• Use of an SCR to control better the pump

• Insert a humidity sensor to trigger automatic irrigation

• A RTC to determine the activation time

• Improve the WEB page

• A small solar panel to power the batteries

I hope I will introduce this feature in the next version :)