Introduction: Arduino___Traffic Light


This is a project I'm making a Traffic Light.




My idea is from




Step 1: What Need to Start


To start need:

1. 3 LEDs (Red, Yellow, Green)

2. 3 Resistor (220-300 ohm)

3. Jumper wires

4. breadboard

5. Arduino

6. a box


Step 2: Connections


sound - 3

Red led - 5

Yellow led - 6

Green led - 7


Step 3: Code


red light 3 seconds

green light 5 seconds

(when the green light is turned on and the sound is turned on together )

yellow light 2 seconds







Step 4: Make the Box


make 3 holes in the front and 2 bigger holes at the back or side


Step 5: Finished


youtube :

