Introduction: Arm Seeeduino Stalker to Survive 2012

We wanted to make Seeeduino Stalker a field data logger surviving from -40C to +85C, waterproof and off grid. When the Stalker v2 got a LiPo battery, solar charger, and a water proof enclosure, it's taking shape.

The initial experiment is done in fridge and oven, proven OK but not pushed to the limits. Kevin, our product engineering manage took one armored stalker back to home town in freezing northeastern China for Chinese new year. It stayed in the wild for 10 days, record down temperature and its voltage every 5 seconds.

Things needed:

Seeeduino Stalker V2 (The temperature measuring is done by temperature sensor integrated in Stalker.)

Waterproof Enclosure 

2000mAh Li-Po Battery

Solar Panel


Step 1: Prepare the Battery

Remove the screw holes to place bigger LiPo battery, use a foam as a buffer.

Step 2: Attach the Solar Panel and Assemble

Step 3: Data