Introduction: Art: It's My Bag.

Take an unwanted painting and turn it into a reusable grocery bag.

One large Acrylic Painting on Canvas:
24in X 24in frame size works well
or larger cut to the largest square
Woven Fabric for short sides of Bag about 13in X 19in:
I used the back of an old dress shirt
if larger us a ratio of 1 to 1.5, 1= side of frame
Tools for removing canvas from frame
Measuring Tape
Old Sponge
pen or fabric pencil
Sewing Machine (thread and stiff needle)

Step 1: Canvas Prep and Removal

Wipe off the surface of the painting to remove any dirt of paint that may come off during construction.

Remove the canvas from the frame and discard all fasteners.

Canvass wrapped over the frame will be used. Don't trim.

Save frame for your artist friend.

Step 2: Cutting It Down

Place the canvass face down.

Fold in half and mark the fold line with pen.

Cut along pen mark.

Step 3: More Cutting

Fold each half into thirds and cut off one third.

One of these will become the bottom, the other will be used to make handles.

Separate woven fabric into two halves, the long way.

Step 4: Matching Short Sides and Bottom- Laying Out Pattern

The blue short sides seen here didn't match the size of my bottom, so I trimmed the bottom a little (1/4in) to make things fit better.

The bottom and short sides should have the exact same depth.

Now lie out the pattern and see how it looks.

Step 5: Attaching Sides to Bottom

With one canvass side paint side up place the bottom piece on top, canvass side down matching the edge they will share.

Sew along that base edge, about 1/4in in from the edge. You are effectively sewing inside out.

Repeat this with the other canvass side.

Step 6: Attaching Short Sides

Just like with the canvass sides, attach the short sides to the bottom first. ( the dark blue in these photos)

Lie the canvass pieces painted side up and place the short sides over the bottom piece with their edges flush.

Sew, about 1/2in from the edges and over the corners to seal the bottom of the bag.

Do this with both short sides.

Step 7: Side to Side

Sew up the edges of the bag, still inside out.

You will need to fold the canvas over on itself, such that the two pieces you are sewing lie flat against one another, flush at the edge. I found that for two of the edges rolling the rest of the bag up long-ways was necessary.

Sew all four edges, from bottom up.

Step 8: Finishing the Top

Fold down the top of the bag to the out side, about an inch and a half or so.

Sew around the bag, securing the fold on all sides.

Step 9: Handles

Trim the excess canvass into two strips about two inches wide.

Sew these to the inside of the two canvass sides with an 'X' patten.

Go to the growers market and buy some delicious food grown nearby.