Introduction: Ash-e-Reshte

About: The World's Biggest Show and Tell
How do you serve many people for a party? An example is a wedding and you haven't enough time and money. Ash-e-Reshte is the best food for this! ("Ash" means potage and "Reshte" means noodles). Delicious , fast and cheap!
This is a Persian food, we usually eat this food instead of dessert. It's a famous and delicious Persian food you can make any time . In our city everybody likes this food and I think if you try it , you will definitely want to make it again!

Ingredients :
  • 1.5 kg vegetables : coriander , spinach , leek , dill , parsley , spearmint
  • Reshte : a pack (You can buy from Persian/Turkish/Arabic shops)
  • Onion
  • Pea : a cup
  • Lentil : a cup
  • Bean : a cup
  • Kashk : 700g - 1kg
Also you can see a quick movie with the steps in the picture below. (Picture2-gif)

Step 1: Pea , Lentil , Bean

First wet the pea , lentil and bean in a dish for 24 hours .
Next day put them in a pot and cook in low heat for one hour . They are ready , when they become soft .
Then put them in a dish for next .

Step 2: Get Ready the Vegetables

Chop the spearmint and onion .
Now put the total of vegetables in a pan and cook them . For bridle from sticky you can add a few liquid oil . Rile them numerous with a wooden spoon .

Step 3: More or Less ?!

May be this picture mislead you ! How much you need ? If you need less you can make this food in a small pot or if you need more food you can make it in a big pot . If less , you should use a few water and counter.
Now add water in to a pan and put it on heat . After the water get boiling , add vegetables to it .

Step 4: Add the Others

After 20 minutes , add the pea , lentil and bean to the pot . First add a few of them in to the pot and after a few seconds add more and total of them . This work help to admix the ingredients better .

Step 5: Add the Noodles

Chop the noodles in a dish and add them to the pot .
Remember you shouldn't chop the noodles small . Only chop the big noodles to average size .

Step 6: The Curd

If you don't use packaged curd , you should boil it before using . After boiling , wait until the curd get cool . Then put them to a small receptacle . When you share the food , anybody like curd , can add it .

Step 7: Share !

Put the food in small place and add a few curd on them , no more ! Place a few ripe and splintery onion on the external face . Also you can add a few dill and spearmint for better smell .
Share the "Ash-e-Reshte" and enjoy !